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I had told Eraser head what had happened the previous night, and Eraser Head promised to tell Nezu that I had disbanded from the league. I paused at the tall building in front of the league's hideout. I broke the nearest window, ignoring the glass spraying me and leaving various-sized cuts. I slipped in, delighted to see that there was a rug. I pulled a lighter from my jacket's pocket and crouched beside the rug, holding the flame to the fabric, waiting for it to catch. I was waiting for a while, then I backed away to the window, watching the fire to see if it would catch on to everything else, and to my delight, it did. A dark giggle escaped my lips as I jumped out the window and darted down the street, watching as the fire slowly begun to eat its way through the building. I noticed people on the street gasp and start pointing fingers at the burning building. I felt a laugh start to build up inside of me, and had to leave the sight.

"L/N." I looked down at the weird grape guy tiredly.


"Is this you?" He showed me his phone, which showed a picture of the building I had set fire to the previous night. The picture was zoomed in a little so the main focus was me. I was slipping out of the window.

Oh shit.

"Ummm... Nope," I said, leaning back in my chair. "What business would I have, setting a building on fire?"

"This looks like you." I wanted to slap the smile off his perverted face.

"How did you get this photo?"

"I took it, L/N. And if you don't want me to send it to the police... Then you gotta go something for me..." He bit his lip and I sneered, feeling the meaner side of me that I kept for doing villain stuff start to poke through.

"What do you want, perverted grape boy?" I asked with a sigh.

"Take your clothes off!" He said enthusiastically.

I glared at him. "Fine." I snatched his phone from his gross clammy hands and deleted the photo and punched shigiraki's number into a new contact, playing it off as my own number. "There, pervert." I nudged him away with my shoe. He took the hint and scurried off. I smirked to myself, knowing he would text Shigiraki. I glanced over at Kaminari, my heart hurting. I sighed, turning my attention back to the front of the classroom, zoning out for the rest of the class.

"Hey, L/N! Are you excited? We're moving into our dorms on the weekend!"

Not my ideal place to live, but beggars can't be choosers.

"Yeah! I'm so pumped! I wonder who's room I'm going to be next too!"

"It might be kaminariiiiiii~," Mina said, playfully nudging me in the ribs.

"Oh yeah, so he can call me a villain to my face even more," I said with an eye roll. "I can't wait to torment Bakugo more, though!" I said with playful evilness.

Mina laughed. "The whole squad is gonna be together! So you and Kaminari are going to have a hard time sneaking off together~," She made kissy faces, and I laughed despite her comment making me feel upset again.

"Oh! This is my stop, see ya, Mina!" I waved to the pink girl and stepped off the bus. I kept my head down as I walked, unsure of where I was going since I didn't have anywhere to go.

I might as well go do some training... Work on making my cords longer, since I need another person to help make them stronger. Someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me into an alleyway. They pinned me against a wall, holding my wrists above my head, his free hand on my throat.
"What do you want?" I asked.

"Shigiraki sent me to find you... But I didn't know you were stupid enough to be in plain sight... Honestly, L/N..."

"I'm going to kick you in the dick so hard-"

"L/N, I don't have time for your childish manner. Come home, where you belong. Shigiraki is willing to give you once more chance."

"And if I said no?"

"I'll kill you right now."

I bit on my bottom lip, looking away from Dabi's stupid face. "I'm not part of Shigiraki's tea party anymore, so there is no need for you to bother me."

Dabi let go of my throat and grabbed my face softly, forcing me to look at him. "We're nothing without you, Y/N. Please come back. Shigiraki is sorry for being a dick to you."

After a long moment of silence, I sighed in defeat. "Fine." Dabi dropped my arms, which were sore from being held up at a weird angle.

"Thank you, L/N. Shigiraki and Toga will be happy to see you back with us." Dabi grabbed my right wrist, covering the thin cut my cords come out of.

Fucker doesn't want me to use my quirks.

I let Dabi pull me along. I'll never get free.

~~~Hewwo, lovely reader! Its ya boi here, out of ideas. You know how it goes. 
If you have an idea/suggestion feel free to comment below, it could be any idea. 
Like how you want Kaminari to make it up to you (since he's being a meanie)

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