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"I'm a villain, Kaminari... Or at least, heading in that direction..." I watched Kaminari. A mix of emotions flashed across his face. Confusion, shock, realisation, anger, forced cheerfulness, despair.

"Then why are you in the hero class?" His eyes widened and he straightened. "Are you a spy!?" He pointed at me accusingly.

"No!" I cried, throwing my hands up defensively. "Why would I spy on you guys for them?"

"Them? What do you mean? Are you working for a group of villains?"

"Not by choice, Kaminari! I was forced to!"

"How were you forced to?" I could see the electricity start to crackle around him menacingly.

"All for One made me after he had given me the teleporting quirk! I didn't want to join the League of Villians!"

"The League? All for one?! You are a villain!" He had started to back away from me.

"Kaminari, please!"

"Do the teachers know?"

"Yes, they do! Nezu is the one who wanted me in UA to keep me from becoming a true villain!"

"Is that the best lie you can come up with, L/N? I trusted you!"

"Kaminari! You're overreacting! I'm not as bad as them!"

Kaminari shook his head. "I'm not overreacting, villain. I'm telling a pro hero. You should be in jail." He started to walk away from me, and I let him. Everything seemed to be crashing down around me.

He doesn't understand... My gaze dropped to the grass. I chewed the inside of my cheek. A villain, huh? Is that how he sees me now? I went to flick my wrist and summon my cords to show him what a true villain is, but stopped myself. I didn't want to go to jail, and at the point, Nezu was the only thing keeping me out of prison. All for One wasn't doing jackshit to help me or the league any more...
I teleported to the pub and pushed the door open. Shigiraki was sitting at the bench thing, as usual, drinking Capri sun or something.

"Y/N-Chan!" Toga cried, throwing her arms around me.

"Fuck off, Toga," I snapped, pushing her off me, still angry at her for snitching on me to Handy Man.

"Watch yourself, L/N." I felt Dabi's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not here to deal with anybody's shit, I'm here for Shigiraki." I shrugged his hand off and walked over to Shigiraki, starting to doubt myself. "I'm done with this stupid league of yours. I'm out."

Shigiraki faced me slowly. "Out? You think you can just... Leave us?"

"I can and I am. Fuck you and fuck this worthless group you have. I can't believe you even think that this group of going anywhere."

Shigiraki just stared at me for a moment, then he gently set his glass on the bench. Light, slow movements. I backed out of reach and slammed into Dabi, whose hands immediately went to my shoulders, holding me still. "Why would you want to leave us, L/N? Is it because of the UA boy toy that rejected you in the park?"

"How do you know about that?"

He waved my question away, his hand getting closer to my face. "Nothing, L/N. He won't be seeing you again anyway. You want to leave? This is the only way I will let you leave."

I flicked my wrist slightly, cords flying up and curling around Shigiraki's hands so he couldn't use his quirks on me... So he couldn't kill me.
Then I felt the burn in my shoulders. I bit back a scream as I tried to bend out of his grip. But we had been through similar events so many times. I had only broken out of his grip once. I elbowed him and he grunted but didn't let go. If he didn't let go I couldn't teleport. I had used up the energy to teleport two people earlier with Kaminari. I punched straight up, my fist connecting his jaw and I felt his grip loosen enough for me to dart away and out the door again.

Am I out of the league? I felt my cords slip back under my skin now that I was away from Handy.
It doesn't matter. I need to tell Nezu what had happened... I looked back at the pub. Perhaps snitch a little... No... I looked at the building in front of it. I think I need to give them a warning, in case they think of hurting kaminari.

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