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Stop feeling guilty, nobody cares that I'm gone.

I sighed, bringing the straw of my milkshake to my lips. I was unbelievingly tired, but I didn't want to sleep without finishing my milkshake, and trying to work on a bit of classwork.

My phone buzzed again and I looked at the notification.

Bakugo: Where are u moron

⚠️ (Brief blood mention, SH hint)
I sighed and flipped my phone so the screen faced the floor. They all needed to stop acting as if they cared, they were supposed to be in class, not texting me. I swallowed a mouthful of my milkshake, staring at the bloody bandages on my arm. I finished my milkshake and threw it in the bin in the corner of my room, crawling onto my bed and into a ball.

Bzz... Bzz... Bzz... Bzz...

I looked up, moving my arm off my face, and at my phone, which was vibrating on the floor. I sat up and stretched, then looked at the caller ID.


⚠️(SH mention)
I clicked decline call. I flopped back onto my bed with a sigh. I felt as tired as I did before I napped. I rubbed the bandages with my thumb, making the material rub against open and healing wounds. I groaned in defeat and called her back. She picked up on the first ring.

"Kaminari!" She yelled, making me flinch and hold the phone a little distance from my ear. "Why weren't you at school today?"

"I slept in, I only just woke up," I lied.

"Oh, sorry for waking you up!" She said. "Are you okay? L/N left school, probably to go look for you..."

I bet that's a lie they came up with together.

"She doesn't care," I said blankly.

"Yes she does, Kaminari, why would you say that?" Before I could reply, there was movement from their side.

"What did you say, moron?" Bakugo growled.

"She doesn't care, and I know none of you do, either, so leave me alone!" I hung up the phone. Instantly feeling guilty.

Great, now I hurt Mina's feelings.

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