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I flopped onto the couch in 1A's dorm, tired from setting up my room. L/N was sprawled on the other couch, taking up all the room on it. "What do you want, villain?" I asked rudely.

"Could you please stop calling me a villain?" She asked tiredly, lifting her arm up slightly from covering her face so she could glare at me. "It's hurtful and a lie."

"It's not a lie. You're with the league of villains."

"Kamainari. Cut it out." Her cords had come out and were swimming around in the air around her in a threatening manner. "Stop calling me a villain, when I clearly attend U.A."

I opened my mouth to speak, but her cords shot over to me, hovering in the air just inches from my face. "Fine." I said after a moment of staring at the cords. "I'll stop calling you out."

She smiled and her cords retreated, making me sigh in relief. "Thanks, Kam. You have no idea how much this means to me!"
I got up, planning on going back to my room to watch some tik toks. "Kaminari." I looked over at Y/N. "You're not angry with me, are you?"

"You're with the league of villains," I said blankly.

"I'm trying my hardest to get out, Kam, so I can be a true hero, but it's really hard."

I sighed. "Well, at least when you become a hero, you'll have a bunch of background knowledge on dealing with villains!" I smiled at L/N, and she beamed back.
"... You wanna play just dance?" I asked, shyly, touching the tips of my index fingers together, doing that shy thing.

"Oh! Sure!" We both stood up at the same time, and went to walk forward. L/N tripped on something, and slammed into me, sending us both to the ground, her on top of me. "Oh, umm..." she stared down at me for a moment, then got up.

We're just going to ignore the boner I got from that, or..?

'I'll go get the game set up," I said quickly, getting up and scrambling away in what I can only pray looked like a calm manner. I heard L/N walk over to me and shove me aside a little.

"You should wear baggier pants next time I fall on you," She said, giving me a small smirk. I felt my face heat up as I realized what she was saying. I playfully zapped her with my quirk, but ended up frying myself and going stupid. 

-time skip- 

"Kam!" L/N giggled, collapsing on to the couch. "I didn't know you were so fun to play just dance with when you're fried!" 

"Shut up, L/N!" I said, throwing a pillow at her, sitting on the other couch, having regained my brain cells a few moment ago. L/N laughed at me, throwing the pillow back. "I'll zap you again, L/N!" I said in a playfully threatening tone, throwing the pillow back, hitting her in the face. 

"And go dumb!" She laughed, almost crying as she mimicked me when I was fried. 

"Hey!" I whined, playfully faking being offended. I got up and walked over to her, taking the pillow and playfully pressing it against her face. She pushed the pillow up, causing my arms, which were supporting me to get knocked aside, sending my face onto hers and, well.

We kissed


EHFUHLFHFIOEHFHE we loooove slow updates.

im sorry there's gonna be more slow updates o.O

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