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"I swear to god, L/N. Please stop moving." Shigiraki said, one hand on my throat, his pinky up.

"I'll quit struggling after the bald clown over there lets my sister go!" I sneered, trying to free myself from Shiggy's grip.

"You deserve this, Y/N. You're forcing my hand here. I don't want to do this to you or Cass."

"Kill me, F/N. I would rather you than this egg looking boomer."  Cass was clawing at All for one's hand so hard blood was starting to drip down his crusty hands.

All for one flicked the safety off the pistol he held. My arm suddenly started burning, panic suddenly threatening to suffocate me. I hadn't felt my arm burn so much since the day Cass went into her coma. I took deep breaths to try and calm myself down. I couldn't loose control again. I didn't want to hurt Cass.
I took a deep breath, letting my body relax. Then cords burst from my arms, tearing my skin open as they flew towards All for one. I heard Cass scream. Shigiraky had dropped me in surprise. Cords still burst from me. I heard a body drop to the ground. No gunshot. Tears blurred my vision, my skin on fire.

"Is that how you killed your parent's, L/N?" All for one asked calmly. I looked up at him, and saw red rose petals everywhere. My eyes widened, seeing Cass on the ground, rose petals spilling from everywhere my cords had impaled Cass.

"Fucker..." I scurried over to Cass.

"The rose petals... Her quirk?"

"... She got my mother's quirk... once her blood exits her body, it turns into rose petals..." A sob racked my body at the memory. My quirk had killed three people I had loved. Three too many people died because of how little control I had over my quirk. "You bastard, All for one." I mumbled, willing my cords to hover around me. "You knew this would happen, didn't you?"

"It's quite fasinating to watch you lose control of your quirk, N/N."

"Don't call me that, you slimy little cunt." I growled. "First you decieve me. Take me off the streets and say that you're going to take care of me. And then you strain my quirk. Then you give me teleportation! And then you force me to join the legue! Now you force me to kill my sister! What's next, huh? You gonna make me burn down UA or some shit, just because you're too pussy to do it yourself?" My cords had started swirling around me. The pain in my wrist was a dull warning, easy to ignore.

"L/N... You're going to do something you regret..." Shigiraki said, slowly coming up behind me.

"Fuck off, shigiaki..." I turned back to All for one, who watched me with curiosity. "You think you're king of the world, with your fancy ass quirk? I'm going to rise above you without your help. Fuck you and fuck everything you promised me when you took me in."

"All it took you to break was to lose control of Cords a second time. Interesting." All for one mused. "Does this mean you're going to stop holding back? Are you going to get over your fear of Cords?" I threw my hand out in front of me, my cords following my hand, launching themselves at the "top" villain. Right before the cords connected with All for one. I stopped them. I flicked my wrist and the cords retreated back into my arm.

"I've already been here for a week. I'm out. Peace, bitch." I stepped back, teleporting away. I tumbled to the ground, landing harshly on wet grass.

How did I overbalance while teleporting?

I shook my head. It didn't matter. I got up, looking around to see where I am. I was at a park somewhere. I tried to calm down my racing heart, taking in slow, deep breaths.

All for one is going to kill me.

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