Chapter 10

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My head is throbbing when I wake. Once my vision focuses, I see my surroundings. I'm in a small room with a cot. There's no windows, only a door. I stumble over to the door. I try to open it.
"Damnit.." I mumble under my breath. Locked. I check myself for weapons. All of them are gone. I sit on the bed and try to think through all of my possible means of escape. I could run out of the door if anyone enters, but they'll most likely be armed. I look around the room and notice something. Daryl isn't here.

I frantically search the room, even though there is nothing for him to be hiding in. That's when the door handle turns. I back myself against the wall. Joe walks into the room.
"Hey there." He says walking towards me. I slap him. I admit not the best idea, but I'm sort of running out of them.
"Don't touch me." I spit in his face. He gives me an evil grin. "Where is he?" I say. I don't raise my voice.
"Who are you talking about?" He asks, playing dumb.
"You know God damn well who I'm talking about."
"I don't like the tone your using." He says, taking a step closer. He pins me against he wall. I kick him in the gut, and he backs up.
"What did you do to him?!" I yell. I'm losing my patience with this asshole.
"We didn't touch him. Yet. But if you keep acting like this, that could change."
"I want to see him." I say, staring straight at him.
"Will you stop acting like this if I let you see him?" He asks.
"That depends." I retort. He grabs my wrists and walks me out of the room. He holds his gun, warning me not to try anything stupid. And I don't.

He shoves me into another room and locks the door. Daryl's lying on the cot. I run over to the bed and kneel beside him. He opens his eyes a little and stares at me.
"I'm getting you out of here, ok?" I whisper. He nods and hops out of bed. I search the room for anything we can use to get out of here. Nothing.
"What the hell are we gonna do?" Daryl asks, searching the room. I shrug and continue looking.

The door knob slightly twists, and Daryl immediately steps in front of me, protecting me from whatever comes through. Someone I've never seen before walks in. He has a shaved head, and rifle slung over his back. He also has a gun holster on his belt.
"C'mon sunshine." He says beckoning me.
"No." I say, barely loud enough for myself to hear.
"What did you say?" He says, stepping forward.
"No." I say. He chuckles to him self a little, then his expression changes. He dives toward Daryl and I. He shoves Daryl out of the way, and pins me against the back wall.
"Nobody says no to me, you hear!? Nobody!"
Daryl tries to pull him off me, and he would of been successful if he hadn't pulled a gun to his head. I struggle against his strong grip, but to no avail. He's holding my throat, and I struggle to breathe. He puts his face right next to mine, and whispers between gritted teeth:
"Nobody says no to Shane Walsh."


I'm sooooooooooo sorry for not updating!!! Honestly, I've had MAJOR writers block. I know, it sucks. I just had to get something out there to keep this story going. If you guys have any ideas for what should happen, let me know. Man, writers block sucks😂 So yeah! Sorry for lack of updates guys! Love you all. Oh, and one more thing...


Bai guys!


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