Chapter Eleven

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"Get your hands off her!" I yell as I dive toward Shane. I punch him in the jaw, and he stumbles back. He drops his gun in the process. Beth dives for it, but Shane kicks her down. He pushes her against the wall and kicks her in the ribs, over and over. She tries to grab the gun, but to no avail. I jump on Shane and tackle him to the ground, punching him in the nose in the process. He flips me to the ground and continues to punch me. Beth weakly stands and jumps on Shane. She grunts in pain as he throws her off; next to the gun. She reaches for it and stands, aiming the gun at his head. He puts his hands up.

"Hey hey hey little lady! Why don't you put tha-"

"Oh shut the hell up!"

He wipes some blood from his nose.

"You fire that gun, my whole group will come after you. They'll find you. They won't rest until they do. You're gonna have a hell of a time trying to get out of here."

"I'm a fast runner."


The gunshot rings out, much louder than I expected. Shane's dead body falls to the ground. Really only one word describes our current situation, and Daryl said it.



Daryl and I sprint down the hall. My rib hurts, but I ignore it. We come to a dead end. No windows. Nothing.

"Shit. Now what?!" Daryl pants.

"I don't know..."

I hear footsteps down the hall. We're sort of running out of options here. I look around the hallway, for anything to escape with. There's a small door back the way we came.

"C'mon!" I whisper. Daryl nods and follows. The sign above the door says 'Supply Closet'. Close enough. I open and Daryl walks in. I slowly close it, careful not to make a sound.

"Now what?" He asks.

"I have no idea. Shane was right." I sigh and sit against the wall of the cramped closet. I rub my face in my palms, thinking.

"Rick must know we're gone by now. They'll come looking for us, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. But just 'cause the look don't mean they're gonna find us."

"Do you know this area well? Do you know where we are?" I ask. I'm hoping I can think about it f some way to get out of here.

"No. We'll figure somethin' out, alright?" I nod. Then I realize something. Either we stay in this closet for the rest of our lives, or we fight. We fight our way out. It's the only way we can get out of here. My face hardens and I stand. I'm not going to die. Not like this. I search the supply closet, hoping that guns count as supplies. Apparently, they don't. I continue searching. A scalpel gets my attention. My eyes widen as I realize what this could mean. I frantically search the closet, and sure enough, my suspicions are correct. Shelves and shelves of pills surround me.


"Mhhm?" He grunts, ignoring me.



"It's a hospital."

"What the hell are you talking about."

"We're in a hospital!" I continue searching the room. Daryl stands by my side. I take down a bottle of pills. I know where we are.

Grady Memorial.



So... Yeah! So sorry I haven't updated regularly. I've had a lot of school work and all that good crap! I hope you liked it! And here comes some serious stuff that no one likes!:

So, I recently hit 700+ reads. I truly want to thank everyone of you for the great support you've shown me. You have no idea how much it means to me that you've all stuck with me, even though I'm really lazy and never update! But still, it means so much to see nice comments and votes. It really makes me want to keep writing. This is honestly one of the greatest gifts I could get this season. You really all are my friends. And I know I'm getting into all the emotional shit, but it's true. So thank all so much, and I hope you have a great holiday, wherever you are. I hope to keep this story going, and please comment what you think. Happy Holidays, from me to you!! I love you all so much💕

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