helicopter?-Tony Lopez

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Tony, Ondreaz and a few others were going to a meet and greet today which had been planned for months now and everyone was energised and so happy that the day was finally here. I'd been asked to tag along and of course I said yes because seeing the fans was what amazed me each day. That one individual can have so many people supporting them even though they may have never seen them in their lives before.

Everyone was rushing around the house trying to collect everything they needed such as permanent markers for signatures, portable chargers and food. I, on the other hand, had already got everything I needed. Rushing everyone into the Uber was a nightmare as half of them tripped over their own two feet and complained about their places in the car.

--time skip--
Finally we pulled up to the venue where the meet and greet was being held and there was a crowd if screaming fans waiting outside.
"This is going to be fun"
We ran inside whilst waving to the crowd of people and made sure that everyone was in and went to the area we would meet everyone.

After chilling for about twenty minutes people were starting to be let in which meant the meet and greet was officially happening. The smiles couldn't be wiped off of people's faces as the fans came in.

"Hey y/n"

"Hey lovely, what's your name?"

"Ellisa, I got you something, I don't know if you'll like it or not"

The girl pulled out a black picture frame with a picture of me in it that had been hand drawn.

"Did you drawn this?"


"Wow, this is incredible. I love it so much thank you. It's going in my filming room"
After talking with a few more fans we decided to take a break and carry all the gifts to the side of the room so they were out of the way.

"Y/nn babe do not go on Twitter"


"Because I dont want you to see what's on there"


Ignoring Tony I went on Twitter anyways to be met with the sight of his dick waving around as he filmed it.
"What the fuck?"

"Listen I can explain"

"I'm listening"

"That was before we got together and the person I sent it to was a catfish account on instagram"

"I believe you but I have one question, maybe two?"

He nodded at me as if to day carry on.

"Why the fuck are you waving it around like that?"

"Seriously, why did you have to ask that"

"I'm sorry I haven't seen it when it's all soft and waving around"

His cheeks went red with embarrassment as he tried to pull the phone away from me.
"I have one more question"

"Spit on it? Seriously?"

"Why am I even dating you?"
"Calm your tits Tony. And it's because you love me. Look just because your helicopter got leaked over the Internet, it doesn't mean that I'm going to assume the wrong things. We haven't been dating that long but I trust you okay?"

"Okay. I love you"

"I love you too...also don't forget to spit on it"

"For gods sake"

Sorry if this wasn't what you had in mind, this is probably how I would have taken the situation so if it's not then let me know and maybe I'll do another part that is your ideal reaction.

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