Chapter 2

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Lots of people noticed you all as you walked, kryoz held you close to his side.
"We decided seen as you guys had been apart for a good while we would surprise you?" Cam says.
"It was a great surprise" you smile.
John smiles, holding you tighter before loosening.

You get into the mini bus.
Cam drives, everyone was spread out. You and John were at the back.
"No making out please" Cam says, looking in the rear view mirror.
"Don't tempt me" John mutters to you.
You giggle.
"I missed you" he says.
"that's an understatement"
"Ive missed you loads too"
He kisses your forehead.
"At least we get quality time together now" he says.
You nod, smiling.
"Thats a plus" you say.
He leans down and kisses you.
It was a soft kiss, nothing aggressive.
Although he wasn't an aggressive person.

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