Chapter 5

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You walked down the stairs and stand at the bottom. Smii7y was stood in front of you, talking to the others.
"Give me a minute and I'll be coming too" Fitz says.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
"Just for a stroll" smii7y says.
Johns arm slips around you as he gets to the bottom of the stairs.
"Okay I will join you guys then" Fitz says.
Chad walks out the kitchen with a biscuit packet in his hands, he leans around the side.
"Where are you guys going" He asks, coming back around the corner.
"Strolling" smii7y says.
"ight, I'm going to join"

You shut the door behind you and walk down the path to the pavement to hold John's hand.
He smiles down at you as you swing your hands back and forth.
Chad starts taking his shirt off.
Fitz stares down at him in confusion, grinning.
Smii7y shakes his head.
"I am boiling"
"Nobody wants to see your nipples" Fitz says.
"Well they are going to see them" Chad says.
Fitz sighs.
"Just because you can't handle this body"
Fitz pokes one of his nipples.
Chad slaps his hand.
Smii7y turns and walks next to you.
John laughs.
"Come to join the adults?" you ask.
He nods.

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