Mini bus

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You walk out the bathroom as you dry your hair.
John was nowhere to be seen, again.
"I'm not falling for this again" you say, putting the towel down.
"John" you say.
You huff and go to turn around but walk into something solid. John.
"How did you-?" You start asking but he lifts you up and throws you on the bed.
"I'm in a towel" you squeal.
He chuckles and walks into the bathroom.

You open the door and walk down the stairs, John was still getting changed.
You forgot the misfits we're going to record a vlog of the party. You smile as they look up at. "Who is driving?" You ask, standing next to Cam.
"Chad" they all say, slightly out of sync.
"I'm wasted mate" he calls from the kitchen.
You look up at cam, he shakes his head.
"You have a license" you remind him. He sighs.
"Fine" he smiles.
John walks down the stairs, you smile at him as he walks to you.
He reaches for your hand and intertwines your fingers with his, standing to the side and slightly behind you.
"Whats the plan?" John asks.
"Cam is driving, we try not to get too drunk so we can make it home" you say.
"You don't drink anyway" John mutters, just so you can hear him.
"I know but most of everyone else does" you mutter back.
Fitz nods. "let's go, before traffic gets bad" he says, walking out the the mini bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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