Chapter 4

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You put your bags on the bed, John was just shutting the door with his foot as he walks in.
"Phew" you sigh, you walk over to the window.
It was starting to sunset, you smile slightly.
You feel John's arms wrap over your chest.
You lean back into him.
"It's so pretty" you say quietly.
"So are you"
You giggle.
"cheesy?" he smiles.
You nod giggling.
You both stand looking out of the window, swaying slightly.

A knock at the door interrupts your trance.
"Can I come in?"
"No" John says.
You look up at him and raise an eyebrow.
He grins mischievously and kisses you, holding you close.
You giggle into the kiss.
With the most gentle push you fall onto the bed, he tickles you.
"John!" you squeal.
"What is-?" Smii7y says.
"John-" you growl laughing.
He glares at you with a mischievous smile.
You hold his arms as you try your best not to laugh.
Then he sighs.
"He will have to come in at some point" he says to you.
"Come in"
Smii7y smiles slightly, looking at John.
"What did I-" then he looks down at you, still  holding onto John's arm panting.
"Tickling" he nods.
John nods back.
"I've never met someone so ticklish" he says looking down at you, you glare back up at him.
He looks over at smii7y.
"What can I assist you with?" John says.
You dig him slightly in the stomach, making him fall onto you.
"Oh no" you squeal.
"Well I was going to ask if you guys would want to go on a walk?" he says chuckling.
John purposely starfishes on you.
"Jo- ohn" you giggle.
"Do not dig me ever again" he says, smiling proudly.
"That sounds great" you say, looking over John to smii7y who was stood in the doorway smiling.
"Do you wanna get going soon?" smii7y says, he was used to John being like this.
"Sure, I just need to get this lump" you point at John.
"Off me"
Smii7y walks over.
"No" John says, as he notices Smii7y behind him.
"No" he says again.
"Nah" he says as smii7y pulls him up, John holds onto you.
"Nope" he says.
Smii7y pulls you both up onto your feet.
"I'm proud of myself" he laughs.
You all laugh.
"Shall we get going?"
You and John nod.

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