Chapter 12

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You had a top and cropped joggers on, John was lay on the left side of the bed, which was by the door, and you had the window side.
He was lay on his side, scrolling through Instagram facing the wall. You sneak into bed beside him, he didn't notice.
You wanted to spook him.
You turn over to reach for the lamp to turn it off and he grabs you and holds you close.
You squeal.
"That wasn't necessary" you say, reaching for the lamp again.
"neither were your attempts to scare me"
You sigh in defeat.
"Are the others doing any important things before we all settle down?"
"I am not too sure" he says.
"would it be a good idea to check, maybe?" you say sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes.
"Yes dear" he says.
You giggle.
"We aren't an old couple" you say elbowing him.
"I just want sleep" he mutters.
"It's nice to sleep knowing things"
"It's nice to wake up feeling fresh"
"it's nice to sleep feeling prepared"
"it's nice to wake up feeling ready to learn"
"Will you two stop bickering?" Fitz says, walking out of his room fixing his cap as he jogs down the stairs.
"Yeah John, stop bickering"
"He said both of us"
"you started it"
"I did not"
"you called me dear, I'm not old"
He rolls his eyes smiling.
You walk down the stairs and turn into the kitchen.
Everyone expect a few were around the large counter in the middle of the kitchen.
John yawns, as he rests against the counter.
You look up at him, yawning too.
"Don't you yawn" he grumbles, leaning down.
"I'm tired" you say, tired.
"Oh fancy that, you decided to come down here so don't complain" he whispers.
"you came down here too"
"you made me"
"you could of said no"
"you would of been grumpy"
"I wouldn't"
Smii7y laughs as he walks into the kitchen, looking at you.
He stands besides John and looks down at you laughing.
"You are so angry"
John smiles patting your head.
"Angry dwarf"
You pout and fold your arms.
"I'm not small"
Fitz snorts.
"You are a tree" you complain.
"Everyone is either a foot taller than you, if not just under almost a foot taller than you"
Fitz says.
Everyone giggles.
"This isn't fair"
Fitz bends his knees and goes to your height, pouting and folding his arms.
You shake your head at him.
He pouts more dramatically.
John and smii7y were starting to lose it, smii7y was leaning his head on Johns shoulder sniggering, John sniggering on his head.
You storm over to Fitz and punch his arm, gently.
"Oh owww" he retorts.
You smile and shake your head, storming back over to John. Angry.
"Oh come here" he says opening his arms.
You turn and stand against his chest facing fitz in disgust.
"look what you have-" John turns you to face his chest.
"Don't look at him, look what you have done"
"I sincerely apologise" cam says.

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