Chapter 3

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You had got to the house. Chad opens the door, beer in hand. Cam laughs at the sight and shakes his head.
"Nothing has changed clearly" you say.
He nods and takes a swig.
You smile and he smiles back.

You were all led to the living room, Chad walks back on in.
"Oop, he's back" someone says.
You all chuckle.
"Right gentlemen and lady" he says looking at you.
"can we all get seated please"
Everyone takes seats, John leads you to a chair.
"I'll stand" you say, he shakes his head and pulls you onto his lap.
"I'll squish you" you mutter to him.
"You won't" he says.

"okay, so we will of course be in here for the next few weeks" he says, burping.
"Oh my god, put it down mate" Cam says.
"Do excuse me" he says before continuing.
"Cam and Swagger will be in a room"

He goes on to explain where everyone will be.
"And seen as we have the lovebirds here too they shall get a shared room" he says.
"We will hear everything" he says, making intense eye contact with John.
John makes it back. You pat the side of his face. Everyone chuckles again. 
"Everyone get settled and feel free to roam the house for activities" he says, dismissing you all.
You and John both go to get the bags after everyone else so it was less chaos.
You start climbing the stairs.
"How weak are you?" he laughs, he was the step below you.
"I am not weak" you laugh back, stepping up a couple steps every few seconds.
"Why you going so slow then?" he smiles.
"oh come on, you know me and balance" you say.
"Ah yep, all too well" he grins.

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