Chapter 13

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After a couple more people had joined Cam starts talking.
"Right so, tomorrow is going to be a more chilled day. At the night time we will be going to a party near the coast. We will be getting in a bus and driving"
You were holding John's arms, he was resting his head on yours and his arms were around your chest loosely.
You felt him yawn more and more as the meeting went on. You yawned quite a lot too.
You were fiddling with his rings.

"Goodnight all" Toby says.
Fitz and him start talking, Fitz catches your eye and snorts.
He makes a fake tear run down his face with his face.
You raise your fist to him and squint as you shake your head.
"Come on then" he says.
"Meh" you say.
"That's exactly what I thought" he says.
"Wait until I'm not tired" you say, waving your hand at him yawning.
John holds your hand as you walk up the stairs in front of him.
"Are we finally going to bed?" he asks, yawning again.
"Yes" you reply, opening the door to the bedroom.
You go and get into bed, John is leaning out the door and talking to someone.
You turn over onto your side and get comfy.
You see Johns silhouette across the room.
"You done your teeth already?"
"Yes" you yawn.
He huffs.
"Do you seriously want me to do my teeth with you"
"I need your emotional support"
You chuckle and climb out of bed.
And open the door so you can walk in, you wrap your arms around him while he does his teeth.
"yes" he says, as he cleans his teeth.
You smile into his back.

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