Chapter 7

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You turn over and yawn, you were in bed. There was a soft lighting from the lamp, you stretch and sit up.
John pokes his head from around the bathroom door.
"oh, Sorry I fell asleep"
"it's fine" he says, he walks out and sits on the bed.
"What time is it?"
"8pm" he says.
"Have I been asleep long?"
He shakes his head.
"You have been asleep for 10 minutes"
You nod, getting out of bed.
"What is everyone else doing" you ask, walking to the window and peaking through the blinds.
"I think they are watching a film in a bit"
You nod, "Want to go and join them maybe?"
"Sounds good" he smiles.
You walk to him and move his hair up with your hand and kiss his forehead.
You fix his hair.
He looks up at you.
"What?" you smile.
He leans up slightly, you lean down and peck his lips.
"No" he says.
"Don't be cheeky" he mutters, pulling you by the waist back to him.
He kisses you, you put your hands on his shoulders.
You pull away.
"What was that for?"
"I was expecting a proper kiss" he says.
You shake your head, rolling your eyes.
You grab his hand and lead him to the door.
He shuts the door and you walk downstairs to the kitchen.

"about to watch a film, you guys want to join?"
You nod and smile slightly.

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