Chapter 6

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You walked loads until you came to a park.
"It's getting dark"
"More fun" Chad says.
Your legs were sore from walking all day.
John must of realised as you were walking slow.
"Tired?" he asks.
You nod as you watch fitz and Chad climbing in the kids area while smii7y sits on the top of the slide.
Kyroz leans down and picks you up onto his back.
You hold around his neck tight as you walk over to the others.
"I want a piggy back now" Fitz whines.
"Come on John you have the muscles for us all" Chad says.
Fitz turns to smii7y.
Smii7y raises his eyebrows a couple times.

"Go!" Chad yells.
Fitz had smii7y on his back and John had you.
John and you won.
"You should of just lunged" John says to Fitz.
Fitz pats smii7ys back.

You had been walking back and were about 20 minutes away.
"You can put me Down you know"
"I have huge muscles I am fine" he says.
You rest your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, yawning.

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