Ch.2 sweet

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Nayeon POV:
"I thought Mina has a crush?" Sana'a said, taking a sip of her drink.
"WHAT?! How about jeongyeon!"I panicked.
"I dunno, why are you asking me anyway?"Sana'a blinked.
"Who is her crush then?" I asked impatiently.
"I dunno, i only know she has a crush. She said it's someone I don't know." Sana'a replied.

"I know him." Tzuyu said suddenly.
"REALLY? Tzuyu yah, tell noona okay? You're a good boy right?" I persuaded.
"Nope."he replied shortly.
"Couldn't believe that the original nayeon noona is back just with one sentence. You know, you have to have patience to make me tell you.." He sighed and complained.
"Oh god just shut up and tell me!" I rolled my eyes and glared at him.
"I'll tell him to meet up tomorrow, he's my best friend anyway." Tzuyu said and pulled sana up from the sofa. "Help yourself to one of the guest rooms, just don't disturb us. CHOU SANA YOU'RE DEAD MEAT!" Tzuyu said and warned sana.
Sana pouted and tried to get Tzuyu to forgive her. I stared at the two, sana keep doing aegyos to calm Tzuyu, and Tzuyu ignoring her and keeping a straight face.

"Guess I'll be lonely tonight." I murmured to myself and slouched into 'my room'. It was set as my room since every time I sleepover at Satzu's I'll be sleeping in this same room.
I thought of how Mina's crush would be like. Would he be like the strong forceful sexy type like Tzuyu? The pabo but strong type like Tzuyu? Or a sweet type like Daniel? As I thought, i realized the only ones single in our group of friends are me, jeongyeon, and Mina, and Mina has a crush on a stranger, which will probably be a success. Will jeongyeon finally realize me? I hoped as I slept...

(((5 girls twice, the 4 FBI-not included chaeyoung, they haven't met yet only tzuyu and dahyun knows chaeyoung so far, and Mina of course but they don't talk or 'know each other like friends do, like strangers that met once and Mina fell in love at first sight.

—yeah that's what I'm trying to say ask In the comments if you still don't understand, author Nim.)))

The next day:

Sana POV:
Ouch Tzuyu was really angry... what did I do the day before?
Oh... I umm... went to the bar... with dahyun and Mina and momo... and the three left me at the bar, when Tzuyu arrived to pick me up, he saw a man flirting with me and I couldn't move cuz I was sooo drunk. I think the man almost kissed me, but fortunately Tzuyu kicked his ass off:) what a great boyfriend that's one of the reasons why I love him so much.
And he was very angry and he ignored me. I tried to get his attention you understand what
( who thought wrong?!! Sana meant getting tzuyu's attention by cooking his fav cheese kimbap😏😏😏😏)
and he gave in and when we were about to do the thing, nayeon unnie ring the bell and he got even angrier. Thank goodness he calmed down and ate his kimbap while we were talking.

I just finished dressing and I saw Tzuyu cooking breakfast while nayeon unnie sat at the table, playing on her phone."morning Tzuyu yah~" I back hugged Tzuyu and kissed his cheek. "Morning babe, go and talk with your unnie, she keeps asking me for my friend's photo this morning since I woke up."he ruffled my hair and flipped the toast. I actually only know how to make tzuyu's always scared to have me in the kitchen.

"Nayeon unnie, dont worry, it'll be fine~ I'm sure jeongyeon oppa likes you too." I assured. "Huh?" She responded.oh shit(sorry) I slipped... "BABEEEEE COME HELP ME SET THE TABLE PLEASE!" Thank goodness Tzuyu came to the resucue.

"Cominggggg..." I shouted and ran to him.
"OMG, babe how can you slip like that? We aren't even sure about it!" Tzuyu whisper-shouted.
"I'm sure jeongoppa likes unnie, he just hasn't realized his own feelings!" I snapped.
"I think so too, but it's not our turn to talk yet! They have to do it themselves!" Tzuyu scolded.
"Okay... I'm sorry babe... wait... are you older than me?" I asked.
"No, I'm younger than you. You're 3 years older than me." Tzuyu replied.
"Yeah! I'm older than you and you speak to me like this?" I groaned.
" many times have you told me not to use honorifics while speaking to you? I'm just following your rules~" Tzuyu whined.
I rolled my eyes hardly and turned my back, leaning on the table.

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