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Tzuyu POV:

"Well, she got a call when we were at home. She put it on the speaker, I'll tell you what I've heard. There was a man speaking."He soughed and mimicked the voice of the man.

"I'm Xxxx, I believe you know me. I'm here to make a deal. Help me to feed something to nayeon, and I'll pay you.' She asked how much the man would pay her. The man said 50 thousand dollars. She agreed immediately and told me to change. We went to locker number 56 and she took out a bottle of tea. She muttered I guess I'll just have to feed her this and put it into her bag. We arrived at he hospital and we met Xxxx is the corridor. He took the bottle of tea and gave us another bottle, which was the bowl of 'soup' she asked NAyeon to drink. Thank godness you're here in time...or else I don't know what would happen."

"Thank you sir. I'll take this bowl of 'soup' for investigation. DO NOT TELL YOUR FAKE WIFE WHST YOU SAID, I'll contact you soon. DOn't worry, no one will know it's you."I patted his shoulder and he left.

"Are you okay?" I asked, packing up the bowl of 'soup'.

"I...I can't believe unnie would do this to me...she was so nice to me... she said she made the soup herself..."I hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry.You won't suffer anymore noona, not for long." I comforted.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You'll know soon." I said as I stood up ands sat back into the sofa.

I dialed Dahyun and asked about he process.

"Dahyun noona, how's everything going?"

"I don't know, the rest of us are all outside, we're still waiting for Daniel and Jeongyeon.Daniel said there's something going on but he said its okay and he'll be down in 15 minutes, which is 9 minutes away."

"Okay noona, Nayeon noona is safe, thank god I got here in time, or else she would have swallowed something. Talk later bye."I hung up and decided to call Daniel.

"Dan, what's going on?I heard you're having trouble.Tell me everything."

"Well...umm tzuyu, you see. The bride is Jennie Kim of the Kim's right?"


"There's someone here...And we both kept silent since we saw each other..."

"Put me on speaker mode, I'll talk to her."

"Our partner wants to speak to you..." I heard faint voices on the other side of the phone.

"Who are you?" A calm voice answered.

"Annyeonghasaeyo. I sent my partner to help Jeongyeon escape from the mansion, because he has a lover and she's my noona. Can you let us leave? And what are you doing in here? You shouldn't be in there anyways. I won't tell for sure."I promised.

she kept silent and after some time.


"Great, let's introduce ourselves."

"Lisa manoban, The bride's ex, broke up becuz Of this stupid marriage. I've came here to take her away.oh by the way she's listening too."

"I'm fine with that. Chou Tzuyu, friend of the groom. Shall we set up an agreement?" I suggested.
She kept silent so I continued.
"We won't stop you from taking the bride, but in return you won't interfere us as well. None of then5 of us will tell anyone about this conversation,and we're going to stop the marriage on the wedding day, I hope your girlfriend won't show up Ms manoban."

"Of course she won't. You've got yourself a deal. " She agreed and I heard some noises, probably picking up the bride's gown.
"We'll take the back door." She said and left the room.

"Tzuyu, they've left,Jeongyeon haven't said anything since I got in.
"Jeongyeon Hyung can you hear me?"
"Mhm..." he mumbled.
"Please, follow Daniel, we've already planned a perfect route, the only thing left is for you to leave! It's for Nayeon noona, please."
"What's the point of this? You know my father very well, he's going to bring me back at any cause!" He argued. I could sense he was frustrated and had given up on everything.
I shouted angrily.
"......sorry, let's go." He finally said.
"Thank you Hyung." I calmed down and hung up the phone.
I saw Nayeon noona glancing at me. She must've heard me shouting to Jeongyeon.

"Tzuyu...was that Jeongyeon??" She asked casually, I could see she was really nervous.
"Yeah." I decided there's no point lying since she heard me.
"......what did you two talk about?"
I didn't know how to answer. I thought she wouldn't find out about the marriage, after all, they won't get marry cuz the bride's lover and Hyung both hates this marriage. The Lisa girl will keep the bride away as well, so I lied.

"Oh...nothing much, and Hyung is going to be back, would you want to meet him?" I changed the topic.i

"Really...but he said to leave him alone." She said,pouting.
"Jeez unnie, since when did you loose your confidence. I'm sure he'll fall in love with you again once he sees you, Alive and blabbering." I teased.
"Yah Chou Tzuyu!" She bursted into laughter. It was good, too see noona have her smile back.

"Heyyyyyy, we're back!" Daniel banged The door open with the others behind him, there was no sign of Jeongyeon Hyung.
"Welcome back I guess,oh god I miss your cooking Jihyo noona."I said, taking the lunchboxes from Jihyo.
"What a great honor Tzuyu. Everybody let's eat, it's a tiring night." Jihyo signed and sank into the sofa.
"Why? What did you guys do?" Nayeon asked suspiciously.
"Nothing......" we answered in unison.

"Chaeng, how did it feel?" I sat beside him.
"It was fun, and I got back the feeling..." he grinned.
"Did Nayeon noona say anything about me? Hope she didn't."he asked.
"At least she didn't ask or talk about you when I'm here. Want me to test?" I offered.
"Thanks Tzu, I owe you one."
"No prob, just bake more bread for me." I winked and approached Nayeon noona, who was slurping the noodles jihyo cooked.
"Oh Boy I missed these noodles." She said as she drank the soup.
"Unnie, do you know who's chaeyoung?"
"Chaeyoung? Of course I do, come to think of it, I think I haven't seen him for at least 7 years.he disappeared in a day! any idea where he is? I miss my Younger brother you know.but I don't seem to remember how he looks..."

Nayeon noona fainted for 2 years + lost her memory for 5 years= 7 years. I did the calculation in my head. Oh no, she remebered having a brother, but thank god she didn't recognize him, chaeng's on the sofa but she didn't notice...

"Wait noona, he disappeared in a day? Do you remember Th e accident you had 7 years ago?" I asked. Nervous to know the answer.
"What accident?" As I expected!

I rushed to chaeng. "BRO! Nayeon noona remembers you, and forgot son chaeyoung and the accident 7 years ago!!! Go to her now!" I said happily and dragged chaeyoung to Nayeon noona.

"Noona! Guess who's this?" I asked.

Sorry, next chapter~ will Nayeon recognize chaeyoung? Stay tuned!
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