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Jeongyeon POV:
As soon as Sana and dahyun arieved the hospital, I immediately tracked down Tzuyu. He needs my help.
I ran as fast as I could at once I found them. I was almost there, and I saw Tzuyu blocking two men in black, one with a gun. I recognized's that's crazy stalker of Nayeon's!!!(you guys know who I'm talking 'bout and I'm not going to mention his name cuz it'll ruin my mood—author)

Anger filled up and I pulled out my 2 guns in my back pocket.
I patted tzuyu's shoulder and secretly handed him on of the guns.
"Xxxx(pretend this is The name:)) surrender with your twin and we won't kill you." I gritted my teeth, trying to calm myself from killing him.
"I'm the one for Nayeon!!! And you! Should just fuxx off and let her in peace! This is the right thing for her to do but she didn't, this is her punishment!"that bitxx said, grinning in a weird way.

"Bro, calm down. I know you're mad, I am too.  But if you loose your patience, they'll find a way to escape." Tzuyu Warned.
He was right. I had to calm down.
I caught the two in the corner of my eye, trying to escape while we were talking. I couldn't hold it in anymore.
"BANG!" The sound of the gun blasted in the quiet night.

"Tzu...Tzuyu...." I stammered.
"Hyung. You're not an FBI this moment. Boss said you are extempt from the mission. So if you want to shoot, I'll shoot for you." Tzuyu said sincerely.
"Thanks Tzu... but what about the consequences? You know boss doesn't like us killing.
"Don't worry. I didn't kill them. I shot the both on their knees and abdomen. It won't kill." Tzuyu smirked as he walked slowly toward the two, lying with pain on the street.
"You bastards. How dare you shoot my noona!" His eyes were full with anger and hate. He pinched xxxx's cheek, and kicked his stomach repeatedly.
After he stopped, we heard sirens of the FBI squad.
"Boss." Tzuyu and I saluted to the fat man walking down the car.
"Well done agent Tzuyu. And I believe you two has something more important to do right now. I'll take care of this, you may leave."
"THANK YOU BOSS!!!" Tzuyu and I thanked our boss immediately and rushed into the car prepared.
Tzuyu slipped into the drivers seat at rushed to the hospital.

"How Nayeon/Nayeon noona??!!!" We asked at the same time.
"See for yourselves." Jihyo and dahyun smiled bitterly, the other made way for us to get in.

There was Nayeon, lying peacefully on the white bed. "She's not in danger, but she's in a coma,. How long it will take for her to wake up depends on her." Jihyo whispered.
Tears ran down my cheeks, and I knelt down beside the bed, gripping onto nayeon's hand.
"Noona...wake up soon...we miss you already." Tzuyu said, shedding tears while Sana comforted him with a hug.
" promised me we'll go on more trips together... it's out 2nd anniversary 3weeks later...promise me you'll wake up okay? Don't make me wait..." I cried...
"Hyung....I'm chaeyoung. May I come in?"
"Of course, chaeyoung..." I replied, knowing the two's relationship.

Chaeyoung flashback.
At the age of 16
"Nayeon noona! Are you going to buy me lots of brushes when i comeback from the mission?"
"Of course my baby brother! I'll be buying you lots of brushes." Nayeon replied, pinching chaeyoung's cheek.

"Deal! Bye noona! See you!" Chaeyoung kissed nayeon's cheek and gave her a tight hug.
"Bye chaeyoung,take care!" Nayeon called.

"Shit!(sorry) where did he go?? " chaeyoung wondered, worried because the criminal had a knife and gun, and he lost him near his sister's house. He decided to head to his sister's house, for a check.
When he arrived at the door, he heard a scream.
"Noona!!" Chaeyoung screamed, buursting into the house.
there he saw Nayeon lying next to the sofa, with blood around her. A man was smiling widely, licking the blood of his dagger.
"Xxxx! I told you not to go near her! She rejected you years ago!!!"
"Son chaeyoung huh? She rejected me, and she'll get her punishment..." he said,jumping out of the window. Chaeyoung had to catch him, but his sister was more important.
"HELLO?911? THERE's A SERIOUSLY HURT PERSON HERE! ITS XXGSISVEKSBSHIE ROAD BLOCK 7! Please come fast she's dying now!" I screamed and hung up the call.
Nayeon's heart was still thumping, but it was really weak. I tried doing CPR, but it didn't work.
Thank goodness the ambulance arrived and noona was back to normal.
I called furor my friends from FBI headquarters. Jeongyeon momo Daniel and Tzuyu after Nayeon noona's condition became stable.
"Tzuyu, please take care of her...I'm too ashamed...I won't look for her, but please...send me a photo once in a while and let me know if she needs something..." I told tzuyu and left the hospital.

I heard that after a few hours I left, noona woke up, not remembering anything.

I was really shocked when satzu brought noona with them for our gathering.thank goodness she didn't recognized me. Of course I changed my surname on the spot, and 'Son'  popped into my mind. Because noona always teased me that I looked like her son on the street.

End of flashback.

"Noona...I hope you'll forget me that you can live healthily and happily... Yi u know what? I really love you...and if you wake up, I'll confess to Minari, so wake up soon, for the sake of us." Chaeyoung said Bitterly and left the room.

Vote and comment! Sorry for 2yeon readers but I'm really going back to a new mitzu books.
I told you guys I've thought of a plot already, but I decided it was rubbish and I'm think about a new plot which I haven't came to p with yet...
Anyways loook forward to it:)

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