Ch.4 shot

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Friday night:

Nayeon POV:
I was waiting for Jeongyeon to pick me up from the company. Oh wait a minute? Isn't he my bodyguard? Shouldn't he be staying by my side? Ugghhhh this man!

Then my phone rang.
"Noona,I'm downstairs,you can come down now. I'm in front of your new car."
I was so nervous. I mean, I just left him there 2 days ago, who would do that??
"Noona, hop in, we're almost late." He said.

"You know chaeyoung right?"I asked.
"Yeah, he's a friend from FBI,quitter few years ago.why?"
"Nothing...just thought he looked familiar, I keep thinking we've met before."
"Really? Have you ask Tzuyu and Sana about it?"
"Yeah,but they keep persuading me I don't know him. I feel like they're hiding something from me about chaeyoung."
"Hmmmm, I don't know anything though. Maybe it's just not the right time to know something? I'm sure if They're doing something,it must be for your good.dont ink too much."
"Okay then."

That day, Mina and chaeyoung fell
In love, Jeongyeon was 'heartbroken' and I comforted him...

Back to Now:

It's been 2 years since Jeongyeon and I came together as a couple. These days I can sense he's feeling nervous whenever I'm leaving the house.
"Babe,I'm Leaving for the mall."
"NO! I...uh I mean can you not go?"
"Come on jeongie, we need groceries. Why are you even nervous??"
"....I'm coming with you."

When we arrived the mall, jeongie's phone rang. He hesitated for a bit, and I nodded in approval, not knowing what would happen next.
He smiled and promised"I'll be back in a minute,keep safe."
"Don't worry, what will happen to me?" I laughed.
He gave me a quick kiss and picked up the phone.
I grinned,staring at the back of jeongie, then I walked into the grocery store.

I was picking out some beef when I heard someone.
"TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY! Finally,I get my revenge..." a man whispered next to my ear.

I saw something flashing behind in if the shelves. I squinted to see more's the reflection of a gun!
"JEONGYEON HELP!"I shouted but it was too late.

BANG! A bullet shot into my  chest...
"NAYEON!" I heard jeongie shout,as he ran worriedly to me.
"Go...behind the shelf...boTh with black next to me...scar crossing. Left eye" I tried to say...using up my last breath.
"" I saw momo,Daniel and Tzuyu running towards us. There were nurses and doctors behind him.

Then I fainted.i hope This isn't my last...

Tzuyu POV:

"Tzuyu, Nayeon said there's one behind the shelves, probably the one who shot. And there's one next to Nayeon before she got shot.both with black caps and one of them had a scar on his LEFT eye. Go get them NOW and close the doors! Dont. Let. Anyone. Get. Out." He gritted his teeth and said, he was really angry and I could sense hate in his eyes. I had never seen Jeongyeon like That since that day...
"Yes sir!" The three of us saluted and immediately started to search for the two criminals. I will never forgive Them for hurting my noona!

"Momo, third. Dan,second, I'm on the ground floor! I trust you guys. Go!" I demanded as I tied a rope to the handles.
"Tzuyu..." Momo tried to stop me.
"Shut up. This is the fastest way to get to the ground floor. We're only on the second anyway.  Now go. They're somewhere near. They couldn't have gone far." I ordered.
Momo and Daniel nodded in defeat and quickly left me alone, searching for the two men.
I confirmed the rope was tied tightly, and took a deep breath. I climbed over the fencing and held onto the rope, the I swung to the ground floor like tarzan.
I saw 2 men wearing black passing through the crowd quickly as I swung. "Guards! FBI! Close the door now!" I demanded.
The guards quickly locked the doors but unfortunaltely the two men got away.
"Don't let anyone out before an FBI tells you to! Remember to check the evidence." I told the guards at the door and ran after the two men.
I dialed the 3 boys, Daniel Momo and Jeongyeon.

"boys, im runnng after the two suspects now. Jeongyeon, follow the GPS and find us. Momo and Daniel stay in the mall and lookk for more suspects. They may have switched clothes, and put on makeup too, but they can't cover the scar with makeup. Come now!" I ordered, closely running after the two.
I immediately dialed another phone call after then.

"Sir. Agent Chou Tzuyu reporting. I want to apply for help, in Seoul city near Twice company.  Suspect is...

A S level criminal.the exact one we've searched for for 4 years."

Hehehe, a S level criminal means the level of danger is very very high. Why? Why did he kill Nayeon on purpose?
Vote and comment~

Guys I'm gonna end this before chapter 10, sorry it's gonna be very very very short and not detailed . I will only work on the important parts.
since I sense that no ones interested in reading 2yeon and wants mitzu instead😂😂😂(no offense. So please be patient~ imma finish this book and write a mitzu one
My old readers please come back😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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