Ch.9-recognized! Or not?

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Tzuyu POV:

We were waiting for Nayeon noona's answer. I hope she remembers chaeyoung...he's been suffering too much these years.

"......chae...chaeyoung??? Is that you???" She suddenly screamed.
"Yes unnie..." chaeyoung muttered.
"Awhhh my baby chae has grown so big! I missed you you know?!now tell me what have you been through these 7 years. I'm sorry chaeyoung, for not remembering you..." nayeon shedded a tear and held chaeyoung's hands.
"Noona, it's not your fault. I should have chased Xxxx to our neighborhood. If I caught him already, you wouldn't have lost your memory, or got hurt."chaeyoung apologized. i could see guilt in his eyes.
"chae, look at me. its not your fault okay? just promised nor to leave me again okay??"
"yes unnie." chaeyoung smiled.

they started chatting and i walked out of the room. i was shocked to see jeongyeon leaning onto the wall outside.
"hyunh, why didn't you come in?" i asked, handing him a bae of chocolate.
he took it and replied."i just cant...after everything I've done to her, how could i?" he said with guilt.
"Hyung, she remembers you. Just come in please." I tried so persuade him.
"But Tzuyu, after all I've done..."
"Uhhhh shut up and talk!" I rolled my eyes and dragged him into the room.
He froze the moment he saw Nayeon noona.
And she did too.

"Jeo......Jeongyeon ah..." Nayeon stammered.
"Nayeonie..."he bowed his head.
Nayeon noona forced herself to get out of bed and walk towards Jeongyeon Hyung.
She stared at him and hugged him, her tears kept falling.
"We'll leave you guys alone for a moment." I said and brought the others out.

Author POV:
(Nayeon bold, Jeongyeon italic)
"Jeongyeon...where have you been? I miss you so much......" Nayeon sobbed.
"Mianhae...I...didn't you read the letter?"
"Nayeonie...Sorry...I'm really sorry." Jeongyeon apologized and gently pushed nayeon away.
"Jeongie,are you really in love with another girl?" Nayeon questioned.
"..........yes I please stop looking for me."
"You're lying jeongie, why are you lying??i can help you you know?!!" She cried.
"I'm not lying..."
"You are!!!everytime you lie you bite your lips and hold your hands together, and avoid eye contact! you think i don't know you? just spill the tea jeongie ah! please i beg you!"
"Even if I said so, nothing would change."
"Why don't you give it a try?? Am I not enough? What do you need?"
" I love you because of your money Nayeonie!!! There's no point in this! We've broken up in the letter remember??!!"
"Jeongyeon ah..."Nayeon looked hurt.
"Sorry, I didn't want to make you cry... I'm really sorry....I can't...."
"Jeongyeon, tell me one thing, do you still love me?"
"Yes, I do."
"Good,I'll bring you back, no matter what it takes. Mark my words."
Nayeon kissed Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon responded, after some time, they pulled away, panting.
"Trust me jeongie, I will bring you back." Nayeon promised once again.
"Maybe you can..." Jeongyeon smiled and gave a last peck on nayeon's lips
"Goodbye...i'll be waiting for your rescue."

Wedding day:
Tzuyu POV;
"Tzuyu, are you sure it's going to work? I'm not sure about whether Jennie would come or not."Jeongyeon Hyung asked.
"Hyung, Lisa said she'll keep her away, all we have to do is to wait til the ceremony starts, and Jennie didn't show up, then you two will have a reason to not get married. What a perfect plan!" I recited.

<time skip>

"the bride may enter." The priest announced. I closed my eyes and prayed that Jennie won't show up.

"Creakkkkk" the door creaked open and Jennie had her arms around her father, smiling.
I stared at Jennie, and she saw me. She nodded at me and continued walking.
"Oh hell, what are we going to do??!!!!" I panicked inside my head.

"Mhm"the priest fake-coughed.
"Jennie Kim, do you take Yoo Jeongyeon as your lawful husband, no matter sickness, or death?"
"Yes, I do." She replied, there were sadness in her eyes.
"Yoo Jeongyeon, do you take Jennie Kim as you lawful wife, no matter sickness or death?"
"......" Jeongyeon hestitated for a moment.

Sorry this was short:)

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