Ch. 3 chats

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We arrived at a cafe in Front of an art museum.
"We're here." Tzuyu said while parking.
"Yo! Bro! Welcome home!" The familiar voice called.
Since the call in tzuyu's car, I've been thinking that the voice looks very familiar...... I turned my back and saw—

The boy looked shocked when he saw me. He widened his eyes and after a while, he came back and greeted.
"annyeonghasaeyo.I'm son chaeyoung. A singer-songwriter and an artist."

"Son chaeyoung I know you?you seem familiar! " I asked. He seemed very familiar, but I can't remember when did I see him.
"Nope, first time seeing you." I saw a sad expression pass by his face, but just in a glance, he was back to his cheerful self.

"Unnie,you know to is is a lame way to flirt with chae, I don't blame you though, chae is quite handsome." Sana teased.
Tzuyu elbowed Sana and Sana immediately shut her mouth.
"Sorry unnie~" Sana apologized.
"What a great scenery!i thought I would never see you apologize before I die!" I mocked.

"I'm Nayeon, nice to meet you." I took his hand. He nodded.
"Get in shall we? Tzuyu don't forget mah cake." He called, when Tzuyu got out from the car.
"Got it, let's go."

Son chaeyoung...who are you...
After we got in, I sat with Sana and Tzuyu sat with chaeyoung.
While the two were chatting,I whispered to Sana "don't you think Chaeyoung looks familiar? I think I've seen him before. I spend most of my time with you, do you remember?"
"! Unnie stop thinking you haven't seen him before! Maybe when he's on the Tv!" Sana stuttered and acted strangely.
"You're lying." I stared into her eyes.
The two boys turned to us.
"Nayeon noona, i think you've mistaken?Chae just came back to Korea 3months ago." Tzuyu explained.
"Hmmmm....really? Maybe I've really mistaken...soryy try chaeyoung. I guess I overreacted. I just though you were they key to something important, but I forgot what." I said.
"It's okay Nayeon noona. Let's eat the bread. It's your favourite...I mean it's Tzuyu's favourite!" He quickly changed.
"???? Oh okay?" I took a bite of the bread. IT WAS SOOOOO DELICIOUS!
I wasn't exaggerating, it was really tasty indeed.
"Thank you noona." He replied.

"So...Chaeyoung-ssi?"I asked uncertainly.

"Chae or chaeyoung is fine."He stopped.

"Ok, chaeyoung, Do you know whose Mina?"I asked hopefully.

"Mina-ssi? I don't know her."He replied innocently.

I glanced at sana and tzuyu. my phone buzzed and I read it:


Mina saw Chaeyoung writing songs with his piano in his studio while Sana and her passed by. Then Mina fell in love with him. Chae's song writing studio has transparent glass, so they saw him when they passed by. Chae hasn't met Mina noona yet.

To: Tzuyu

Oh ok, I'll introduce Mina to him then.

I sent the message to his phone and smirked. Tzuyu kept flashing me "Don't you dare"looks, but of course I ignore him. After all, what can little Yoda do to me?

"Chaeyoung ah, Mina is one of my best friends. I think the both of you would cope really well. You're cheerful, and she's quiet. But she can be playful and Savagely cute when you get her to open her heart to you."

"Mina-ssi seems to be a very good friend to you noon. You kept pressing her while you're talking about her."He smiled.

"You wanna hang out this Friday?I have a day off from my company. We can all go out, with the others too. We can go out to my private bar. I'll send the address tonight."I suggested.

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