Chapter 5 Fever Dream

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If you recognize that title then wow you've been here for a while.

Tysons POV

I run down the stairs and out the door. A chill crawls down my spine. I ignore the chills and rush to the house with the skeleton flag on it. I knock ... no response. "Crap. Where would Sans be? Grillby's!" I say to myself. I run as fast as I can and burst through the door and see Sans drinking a bottle of ketchup. Why am I not surprised. "SANS!" I yell.

"oh hey kid what's gotten you so jumpy?" Sans asked in his usual smiling expression.

"Eric, Lillie, help." I panted.

"um speak a little more clearly." Sans asked with a sweat drop on his face.

"Lillie is sick or something. Come on." I explain.

"alright, alright, grillby put it on my tab." Sans sighed. We headed back over to the inn.

Eric's POV

I layed Lillie up against the pillow and resoaked the cloth. I sit next to her and put the back of my hand against her cheek. 'Not as hot as before but she is still burning up.' I thought. I hear my stomach grumble. "A snack wouldn't hurt." I said not realizing Lillie was awake.

"E-eric can you grab me a snack as well." Lillie said in a weak hoarse voice.

"WAH! Jeez you scared the heck out of me Lillie." She giggled. I look through the mini fridge that was in our room and found a bisicle and split it to make a unisicle and gave a half to Lillie while I ate a cinnamon bunny. I ait next to Lillie while eating the treat and see the door open to see a worried Tyson and a worried Sans.
"How's Lillie." Tyson asked walking in and kneeling against the bed.

"so whats up with the kid?" Sans asked.

"Well we woke up and I was yelling at Tyson for *whisper* and Lillie woke up groaning and stumbled over to us and collapsed into my hands." I explained.

"heheh, so thats what happened." Sans chuckled.

"Do you know where some medicine is?" I asked him.

"yeah i do. tyson i'm going to need you." Sans said.

"Alright we'll be back. Make sure nothing happens to her." Tyson said.

"Of course." I replied before waving them goodbye. They waved back and left. "So its just me and you." I said watching Lillie suck on the unisicle. She looked at me sweetly and mouthed 'Thank you again.' I sighed and rubbed the back of her head with my fingers while my palm wrapped around the side of her head and rubbed her cheek. She sighed softly and pulled me into a hug. She let go of me and finished her unisicle.

"Hey Eric can you carry me to the bathroom?" Lillie asked in a soft voice. I blushed and nodded. I took the cloth off her head and grabbed her hands and yanked her up onto my back. I carried her to the bathroom and set her down in the doorway and waited for her to come out. While I was waiting I decide to soak the cloth in cold water again for Lillie. 'How many more problems like this are going to occur?' I said to myself. 'Its best to focus on helping Lillie now.

I was lost in thought and I didn't even realize Lillie was calling me while she was leaning on the door frame. "Eric. Eric! ERIC!" She yelled breaking my thought. I place the cloth on the nightstand and walked to Lillie and picked her up by throwing her over my shoulders again. I slowly set her down and put the cloth on her forehead again. I start to feel tired myself and I felt bad for leaving Lillie alone so I got in bed and hugged her felt her hug back. I fell asleep in each others embrace and so did Lillie.

Tyson's POV

Me and Sans are trotting through the snow to get to the pharmacy which is in a place called Waterfall. "so kid. eric told me about his feelings for lillie. are they true?" Sans asked inquisitively. 

I chuckled and replied. "Oh yeah. He really likes Lillie. Not just like, but he loves her. I think that she loves him also." 

"heheh, those two sure are an interesting duo." Sans laughed.

"Yeah they are." I said with jealousy in my voice. Sans noticed.

"are you jealous of them?"

"WHAT!? I feel offend you would even make that accusation." I yelled turning my back and crossing my arms. Sans just laughed.

We got to a little piece of land with a boat and a cloaked person standing on it. "Tralala. Care for a ride?" The monster asked in a soft voice.

"yeah to waterfall." Sans told him, her, it? We got on the boat and it started to move forward.

"Tralala, beware of the man who speaks in hands." The river person said. Sans froze up when hearing that and his pupils disappeared from his eyes.

"Uh, Sans you doing good?" I asked him scared. He sighed and nodded with his pupils returning.

We arrived in a place with a sort of cyan/dark blue place. "cmon follow me. also if you see a fish lady tell me." He told me. I nodded thinking 'Whats so bad about a fish?' After walking for about five minutes we get to a little shop with a very old looking turtle in there. "hey gerson. got any fever medicine?" Sans asked loudly.

"Huh? Fever medicine yeah I got some that'll be 50g." The old green turtle told him. Sans reached into his pocket and pulled out 49.99g. "Really Sans." The turtle asked. 

"all i got." Sans said with his usually smug grin plastered on his face.

"You and me both know that's not 50g. That be 49.99g. Your one cent short." The turtle named Gerson said. Sans sighed and looked at me. I groaned and pulled out 1g. Thats all I had with me.

"thanks kid." Gerson took the money and put the bottle of medicine on the table. I took it and waved the turtle good bye. 

Walking back to the river person I see a flash of light blasting towards me. I run out of the way and see the object land right near me and I see its a glowing spear. "UH, S-SANS." I yelled looking at him. His face went into one of worry and he grabbed my arm and we teleported out not before seeing a humanoid figure with one glowing eye staring at me.

We teleport back to Snowdin and I look at Sans and just sigh. "I'm not even going to ask." I sigh with him chuckling. We walked into snowed inn and walked to our room. Opening the door me and Sans are greeted to Eric and Lillie sleeping. We both chuckle. I walk over to Eric and shake him awake.

"Ngh. Tyson? Oh hey, you guys get the medicine?" I nod. "Good." Eric said yawning. Sans takes a metal spoon and poors some medicine on the spoon. Eric woke Lillie up so she could take the medicine. 

"What is it Eric." Lillie said in a weak voice. 

"Sans and Tyson are back with the medicine for you."  Eric told her. She groaned knowing that she would have to take the medicine. Sans gave her the spoon and she put it in her mouth swallowed and gagged. We laughed. She gave us all death glares and pulled Eric into the bed with her and she whispered.

"Your my warm pillow. Get used to this." Eric's face exploded with red. Me and Sans bursted out into laughter. "You guys wish you had a warm pillow like me." Lillie said hugging Eric tighter. Inevitably we realized that Lillie made the right decision to go to bed because it was really dark out. 

"Alright good night Sans." I said waving at him as he left.

"night kiddos." He said leaving. I turn around to see the love birds already sleeping. I just sigh in jealousy and go to bed.

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