Chapter 11 Little Miss Muffet

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3rd Person POV

The group of six said there goodbyes to Alphys and journeyed through hotlands. They were all sweating to death and any place with any kind of cooling they took a break there. Eventually the pact came across a row of steam grates that lead to a land mass. If anyone missed the jump they would've died. One by one they all went. Alina, Tyson, Sophie, Noah, and Lillie made it. It was Eric's turn. Slowly he approached the grates and jumped on it. The first and second one he bounced off fine but the third one he lost his balance mid air slammed into the side of the land mass, he was hanging on and slowly sliding down. Everyone ran up to Eric and pulled him up and finally, Eric made it up on the land mass. "Guys. We should've stayed back at Alphys' Lab." Eric said weakly.

"What? Why?" Tyson asked stunned.

"I'm still to weak. I could barely pull myself up." Eric said in a weak raspy voice.

"Nonsense. The heat is just getting to you." Tyson scoffed. "Here." Tyson threw a water bottle over to Eric but the heat was so much that the bottle exploded and soaked Eric. He glared at Tyson who was trying his hardest not to laugh. Eric started walking ahead into a dark room. Soon everybody followed him and Eric got a call from Alphys. 

"D-dark room h-huh? I can fix that! Don't worry." Alphys said in a almost confident voice. Soon the lights flickered on.

"HELLO DARLNGS!" The oversized toaster aka Mettaton said.

(Que 30 minutes of Mettaton being an annoying idiot and getting to muffets lair.)

"Ahuhu. Did you hear what they said? They said humans in striped shirts would come by." A voice said. They then all realise they are all wearing striped shirts. "I heard that there awfully stingy with there money. Ahuhuhu. Think your tastes are to refine for our pastries dearies? Ahuhuhu. I would have to disagree with that notion. I think you tastes are exactly what this next batch needs." Said a spider coming into view.

Eric: "I have arachnophobia soooooooo-"

Lillie: "Spiders are wierd and creepy. Blech."

Tyson: "Spiders are cute little creatures."

Eric: "ooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

Allina: "Nope."

Noah: "Spider's are acutally some of natures best animals because they keep insect populations down!"

Sophie: "I would never hurt a spider."

Eric: "oooooooooooooo yeah."

Cue the Spider Dance.

"Ahuhuhu." The spider sang. The musical spider poured an purple ooze on the pact and all there souls turned purple.

"Uhhm I don't think this is normal guys!" Tyson yelled. The spider sent her army of spiders at the group and they all start to hit the unexpecting heroes.

"Guys focus! It's like a game. When you see a spider move platforms. Spread out so we don't collide with each other." Eric order. All nodded and followed the orders.

Slowly the group progressed through the fight. Eventually the spider spoke, "Ahuhuhu dearies I think its breakfast time for my dear pet." The spider sang. Then a giant cupcake spider appeared and started to climb the platforms while the range of platforms rapidly expanded upwards. The spiders on the platforms knocked them all off one by one down the platforms and being hit by the spider cupcake hybrid dealing massive damage. Eventually, Noah was the only one who remained on the platforms. Suddenly a flash back appeared in his head and an idea was formed. He jumped off the platform hitting the hybrid and heavily damaging him.

As fast as he could he ran to Eric. "Eric I got an idea." Noah whispered. Eric gave him an inquisitive look.

"Shoot." Eric replied. Erics face grew into a smirk and ran towards Muffet in an attempt to distract her. Soon the others followed his lead, while noah sat back writing a peace of paper saying how we donated and were nice. Muffet, adoring the attention, fell for it. Noah finished the paper and slid it towards Muffet in a way were Noah couldn't be seen.

"Ooh what is this? A message? From the spiders in the Ruins? Oh there saying you six are nice and donated 20 g each? Oh my this is a huge misunderstanding. The voice must have meant different humans. Tell you six what. I'll let you guys pass through here. Free of charge! My treat wink." Slowly the spider disappeared into the shadows and cobwebs. Laughing in the process. The six slowly walked out forgetting the events.

Making it to MTT resort the group sees Sans. "Sans!" Eric yells running up to him.

"oh hey kiddo." Soon the rest of the group walks over to the two. "i dont mean to steal eric but i would like to talk to him in private." They all nod.

"Heres my wallet." Eric said handing it to Lillie. "Rent us three rooms." Eric said walking off with Sans.

You guys already knows what happens with sans at MTT.

Walking back to the lobby Lillie paces waiting for Eric. "Oh there you are. Whats wrong?" Lillie asks as she hugs a disturbed looking Eric.

"N-nothing." Eric replies hugging back.

"I got a room just for us wink." Lillie says. Eric blushed a bright red. He gave a thumbs up slowly following her into there room for some fun.

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