Chapter 15 Mountain King/Drawing out the Demon

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Wait to watch the video pls

Third Person POV

Everyone walked into Eric and Lillie's to see Eric on the floor unconscious. "ERIC!" Lillie cried running up to him picking him up and laying him on the bed. She checked his pulse as Sophie and Clover laid Tyson and Alina in the bed. "He's still alive." Lillie sighed through the tears. Lillie sat next to Eric on the bed and stared down on him tears streaming down her face. She threw her face into her palms crying her eyes out, until she felt a tear near her chin be wiped off. She looked to see Eric awake with a very tired look on his face. "Eric! Please don't ever do that again!" Lillie cried burying her face into his neck.

"I p-promise." Eric said weakly as his face began to grow paler.

"Eric? Do you feel well?" Lillie said noticing the paleness. He shook his head. "Let me c-call sans, this dosent look normal."

"hey kid what's down?" Sans said.

"P-please come to MTT hotel NOW!" Lillie said. Sans hummed a yes.

Seconds later Sans appeared in the room and looked at Eric then the pupil's in his eye's disappearing. "W-what's wrong with him?" Lillie cried.

"chara. she's sucking the strength put of him." Sans said coldly.

"What!? How is that even possible!?" Lillie yelled.

"she's a demon she chose eric because he reawakened her somehow. we need to draw her out and fight her." Sans said. "no scratch that, i need to draw her out. i'll teleport alina to our house while the rest of you guys go and fight ASGORE." Everyone nodded. "go."

"Actually I need to go to Alphys' place because I need to ask her something personal." Frisk said. Sans nodded as she left. The other 5 left as well. Sans looked at Eric as he weakly stared back. Sans started to chant.

The one who loves Chocolate

The first one to Fall

The demon from Hell

The one named Chara 

He said this over and over until his left eye glowed blue and he felt the spirit leave Eric. "good." He sighed. Meanwhile with Frisk. (PLS READ. If you havent watched Season 1 of Glitchtale, I highly recomend you do because things will make more sense and it is also rly good so yeah. This is the part were you go watch the video at the top of this chapter if you havent seen S1 E3 of Glitchatle. Also when watching skip to 41 seconds, trust me I tampered with the story a bit and it wont make much sense if you dont skip to 41 seconds in the video. Whenever Sans talks think of it as Frisk remembering an old timeline. When Flowey goes to get Sans instead think of Sans at MTT hotel with Eric instead of in Snowdin.) 

At the Barrier

"So much blood, so much pain. I will lose, a son again. Oh dear children. I'm sorry,. Now you face the Mountain King." Asgore sang. "Goodbye." Asgore said as he swiped his trident from underneath his cloak and threw it at Sophie. She felt magic resonating from her soul as she used this magic power. The trident barreling towards her as she see's everyone rushing to her to push her out of the way. The trident mere inches away and green shield was formed around Sophie and the trident cracked it slightly pushing Sophie back slightly. Asgore showed no sign of emotion as the group stared in awe. Sophie looked at her hands shocked which then turned into a grin. Asgore fired a barrage of fireballs at the group. They scattered around the around. Sophie and Lillie tried talking to Asgore.

"You don't have to do this Asgore!" Lillie yelled out.

"We don't want hurt Asgore!" Sophie also yelled. Recollection flashed in Asgore's eyes. A text appeared in front everyone saying, "Asgore's DEFENSE dropped. Asgore's ATTACK dropped." They kept dodging Asgore's attack's and trying to talk to him. It didn't work. 

"Guy's we have to fight him!" Tyson yelled. 

"No we don't!" Sophie yelled out. 

"WELL TALKING CLEARLY ISN'T WORKING YOU IDIOT! WE HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE!" Tyson screamed at Sophie. She sighed at glared at him. Tyson used his magic and formed his magic fist's and charged at Asgore. He punched Asgore right in the face stunning Asgore. He got up and used his trident and started to clash with Tyson's magic fist's. Tyson started to feel himself getting crushed. "Guy's some help please!" Tyson said as his legs gave out and he was holding Asgore's trident back with his hands. Suddenly a yellow bullet hit Asgore's back. He turned to see Clover with little yellow magic bullets surrounding him. Clover pointed forward as all the bullets flew forward. Asgore countered the bullet's with a volley of flames. Asgore then charged Noah, magic flowed out of Noah's hands as time slowed Noah was able to move out of Asgore's attack and punch him in the snout.  

"Woah what the!?" Noah said as he backed from the king. Said king stood up and stabbed the floor with his trident. He blew out a puff of fire a look... determination? was written all over his face as he looked up. Four streaks of fire rapidly extended from the trident. Noah stopped time and pushed everyone to Sophie. When time was unfrozen, Sophie casted a shield around them. When the shield Noah and Sophie dropped from exhaustion. Tyson and Clover charged Asgore attacking and jumping doing crazy tricks, until they both dropped from exhaustion. 

"N-no!" Lillie cried out as all her friends dropped from lack of strength to continue on. She tried hone her inner magic, but nothing happened. She tried again same result. Asgore readied his trident to stab Lillie. She held up her arms to try and block as she awaited the three pronged weapon to pierce her skin. Instead of a trident hitting her she a clang. Lillie looked up and saw Eric with his spear intercepting the attack. 

"Back away from my girlfriend NOW!" Eric screamed at Asgore. He threw off Asgore's trident attacked in flurry of spear swipes, Asgore tried to block them but most hit his armor with inhumane strength and speed. His glowed teal as he attacked. Eric swiped one more time as Asgore collapsed on one of his knee's. Everybody got up and walked over to Eric and Asgore.

"Ahhh, so that is how it is then. Human's take my soul and cross the barrier and leave this retched place." Asgore said softly. 

"No Asgore, it doesn't have be that way." Eric softly kneeling down and hugging him. Everyone else joined the hug.

"I-i just w-want to see s-sons again." Asgore cried. "I promise all of you that me and my wife will take care of all of you. 

Suddenly Eric got a phone call from Sans. "eric we need you and everybody at my house right now!" 

"Ok." Eric replied. "I'm sorry Asgore but we have to leave. Sans wants us guys." 

"Very well. Come back anytime you care to chat." Asgore waved as we ran to Sans house.

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