I'm not okay (3)

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"Thanks Tweek. And sorry again for your loss. I know it's gotta be hard on you." Clyde says before exiting the coffee shop. I put my elbows on the counter and bury my head in my hands. I decided to go to work today for what reason? It's been like a month since the whole Craig thing happened and to be honest I'm over it! The subject still makes me tear up but I'm fine honestly. I'm about to close up when I hear a ring at the door. It's Pete. We've been talking a lot lately but I think he's just sorry for me. Not like he actually cares about me. "What're you doing here?" I ask. He shrugs and says "coffee break?" I think about it for a bit. I could use a break. "Sure why not. I'll go make the coffee. Be out in a bit." I go to the back room and start to make the hazelnut and dark roast. I take off my apron and roll up my sleeves. I try to fix my hair in the mirror. Messy as always. No fixing that. I grab the mugs and walk out to see pete in an open booth. I walk over and sit next to him. "So what's up" he asks. I smile and scoot closer. "Nothin." I've never been good at this flirting thing but hey I'm doing the best I can! "You know I've never tried the hazelnut. Can I have a taste?" He asks. Umm no. "Oh I would b-but ya know." Awkward silence. "Germs." Yeah excuse me for not wanting to get Ebola or something. Can you catch Ebola from share of drinks? Probably. "I was thinking more of a taste like... This." I look over and shoot him a confused look. But he's already pushing his lips on mine. Smooth. I move in a little closer. How am I not twitching?!?! His tongue moves across my bottom lip. Oh hell no. I pull back and lean my forehead against his. "I like the hazelnut" he says with a smirk. "Whadya say you come by after school and we... Have another coffee break?" I giggle and hold his hands. They're cold like ice. "That s-sounds great!" I softly place my lips on his. "Love you." I say. "Saying I love you back is conformist. Just know I do." I roll my eyes. "Whatever". He gets up and almost walks out the door. "See you at school" he says before walking out the door. School. I forgot. Ever since the incedent last month Cartman and his gang of idiots have been torturing me. Craig used to protect me... But he's gone now. School is the equivalent of hell. Can't wait!!

(A|N) so short chapter. Also thanks for twelve views. Lol I sound like an idiot. Anyway did you like this chapter? I hope so. Hokeyp byeeeeeee!

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