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As she showed me around, she would tell me funny stories she had in this place. The school was pretty with white walls and baby blue ceilings. The walk ways were kept clean (well not so clean but you can tell they were white). The grass looked healthy and green and and tall Willow trees stand with their leaves reaching for the students attention. And all the walk ways led to the center of the school that had a massive marble fountain. It was beautiful.

"It's pretty... Better than my last school." Just remembering it gave me shivers. The walls had dicks drawn on it and the words "fuck you" or "booty bitches". The walls looked like they have had been dipped in oil or grease and the walk ways were muddy and stained. It was ugly.

"It is pretty here but some of the people respectful to it," Mia said like if she IS the scenery, "they would spit and kick the trees and rip out the grass. Someone even peed in the fountain once!" "Eww... And did you clean it?" She smiled jokingly, "Want to find out?"

"No thanks!" I punched her shoulder playfully and she punched back, "jk, well that's what I can show you now. Hey you don't mind if I introduce you to one of my friends?" I nod and smile, "sure. What's her name?" She smiled, "Maddy, she I fun to be with! We have been friends for as long as I can remember! We even called ourselves to 'The Sweet M&M'!"

I giggled, "creative! Let's go meet her then!" She smiled as we headed to a bench next to a tree were a girl with brown and blond hair sat writing in a journal.

"Maddy! Over here!" Mia cried in cheer to her friend and they ran into each others arms. "Mia!", Maddy said happy to see her, "you have kept me waiting here?" "Sorry I needed to show the new girl around," she jesters me to come closer, " Maddy this Alice, she is new here and needs a few friends to get her started!"

"Hi Alice! It's nice to meet you!" Maddy held out her hand and we shacked hands. "Hi. It's nice to meet you too." After that we sat and talked till the class bell rang and Maddy had went off. "Your homeroom class is it building C, class C3 on the right!" Mia then pointed in the direction if the class and smiled. "And then head to C2 for your next class and there will be a teacher to help!" "Thanks!" I smile back to her.

We then split and headed to class. When I got there only I few kids were there and others were chatting. I make my way to the teacher and smiles. "Hello Alice! I have been waiting for you! You are going to sit right next to Josh over there." She then points to a seat next to the boy or Josh and I sat. "Hello. I'm Josh unless she did not already say so." He had a kind smile and wore a black beni and and a sweater.

"Hi, I'm Alice. And yes she did," I said with a smile and giggled. He smiled and brushed some hair out of his eyes, "your funny, I like you, we can be friends if you like? Since your new and all." I was thinking to much, such a cute boy wants to be friends with me? What?! Is this a dream or is today just amazing?! So far... "Sure! Thank you very much!" I blush But cover my checks to try to make it not noticeable.

After that I went to English, then to Science. I soon met up with Mia again on my way to drama, (thank god that teacher was there cause no one would help) "Mia, what's up?" I give her a hug and grinned. "Just heading to math, and you?" She she hugged me back and smiled. "Just heading to drama. Hey! Want to meet up at lunch by the fountain?" "Sure see you there! By friend!" She smiled and waved and we split ways.

(Want to know how she meets Brandon and Carrie? Stay on for the embarrassment Alice went through and how she makes her best performance to empress the class!)

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