CH 2 || Jeon and Park

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˚✩┊ᴵ'ᵈ ᵍⁱᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ, ʰᵉ ʷᵒᵘˡᵈⁿ'ᵗ┊✩˚


Going to a tree, where she assumed no one was near she put her stuff down and stared at the scenery. "This place is beautiful." Leein whispered before placing her hand on the tree, being able to hear all of the birds chirping and leaves rustling, animals running around and hunting. She smiled at the sound of nature. "Sounds nice, right?" A voice behind her startled her, disrupting her relation with nature. "What sounds nice?" Leein asked, turning around to stare at the man.

The trees, birds, animals, water even. It sounds peaceful right?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, 'how the hell did he know that?' He smiled, before stepping closer to her to place his hand onto the tree and closing his eyes. "Place your hand on the tree, so we can be connected." She shook her head, 'I don't trust this guy.' He sighed before removing his hand and opening his eyes, staring at her. "You don't trust me, right?" Leein widened her eyes as he said exactly what she was thinking, she nodded her head. "My name is jimin, park jimin. I'm a hybrid."

Leein narrowed her eyes on him, "I've heard of you. Haven't I?" Pointing her finger at him, he raised his hands in surrender, smiling before speaking, "Yes, you must've of heard of the old fairytale of me and my dead mate." She widened her eyes in shock, "I'm sorry, i didn't know your mate was dead." Jimin brushed it off, "She died awhile ago, it still hurts but at the same time i'm over it." Leein nodded unsurely, but changed subject. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Jimin clapped at the change of subject, "For you, You don't know what you are so i'm going to help."

"You know?? How do you even know i don't know what i am?" Jimin chuckled, before quickly answering the question, "My mate was just like you, she didn't know what she was so i helped her discover, but lucky for you i already know what you are." Leein tapped her foot randomly, before asking, "So..What am i?" She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms. Jimin leaned forward and did a side smile and put a finger to his lips, "Shh, Remember people can hear. You'll know soon." She furrowed her eyebrows, 'people can hear?? What does he mean?'  Leein opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted. "Dogs, they can hear extremely well. They might understand what i say and might bite you."

She widened her eyes, 'the seven boys, wolves.'  Leein quickly turned around, now focusing more on her surroundings and narrowed her eyes. She sniffed loudly before smelling them, her head turned right automatically. Sensing jimin moving behind her, she felt his hands wrap around her waist, "Did you know, that they don't like me because i'm the exact same as you?" 

"Same as me?" She mumbled confusedly, "Yes the same as you, you wouldn't happen to mind giving them a show right?" She shrugged her shoulders unsurely though she still went with whatever he was doing. He leaned his head onto her shoulder, the tip of his nose touching her neck giving her ticklish feelings. "Jimin what are you doing?" He shushed her, his lips falling onto her neck, 'What the fuck, why do i feel so comfortable around him now? What is he doing to me?'

Leein leaned her head back, her body feeling weak. "Why do i feel like this jimin?" He placed one last kiss on her neck before saying, "We're the same thing, our bond is stronger than anyone you've met." Her heart was doing flips, she didn't want to feel like this, not with anyone. Her eyes closed as jimin sniffed her, his fangs coming out as he stared at her vulnerable neck. A loud growl resonated from the back, startling the both of them. "Back away Park and you won't get hurt."

He stepped out, his bright amber eyes standing out as he bared his fangs at them. "Oh what do we have here, Jungkook it's so nice to see you after what?" Jimin pretended to think before saying, "2 weeks?" Leein looked down at jungkook's hands, seeing them twitching. She turned around in jimin's grasp, jimin pulled his head back quick, staring at her with those luring eyes. "I-I should go." She whispered, but he only held her tighter. "The funs just getting started." Jimin whispered back, leaning to the point where they were barely an inch apart. He looked down at her lips, then back at her eyes, asking her.

"No." Leein shook her head, her mind panicking. Her claws grew as she gathered the strength to push him, scratching him in the process. "Listen jimin, I don't know who you think you are. Just because we are the same species does not mean i will fall at your feet. Stay away from me."  She angrily walked away, pushing jungkook in the process. "Listen to her, stay away. You will get killed."

Jimin scoffed, "You'll get killed, I'm stronger than all seven of you combined, maybe not her but definitely you guys." Jungkook pointed at jimin saying, "And that's what will get you killed."  Raising an eyebrow jimin watched jungkook leave, before punching the tree and breaking it in half. "I will have you, one way or another leein." He angrily mumbled, his injured hand already healing as he walked away.

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