CH 9 ||calm, forest, euphoria

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˚✩┊ᶜˡᵉᵃʳ ᵐᵉ, ᶜˡᵉᵃⁿˢᵉ ᵐᵉ, ʳᵘᵇ ᵐᵉ ᵘⁿᵗⁱˡ ᴵ'ᵐ ˢʰⁱⁿʸ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵃ ᵈⁱᵃᵐᵒⁿᵈ┊✩˚

Leein stepped closer to him, but he quickly got up from the floor and started backing away. "Jung—gguk, it's fine, you didn't hurt me, I'm okay." But he didn't feel assured, he still felt scared of what he would've done to her if she didn't push him. "N-no, I would've killed you, I could've killed you! I'm still a rookie to feeding a people, and you let me feed of off you, do you know how dangerous that was?" Leein walked fast steps towards him and grabbed his hand, bringing it up to her own face before saying, "I wouldn't let you kill me, you know that. I'm stronger than you, and that's what I'm here for, to help you learn how to control your feeding, it's okay if you feed too much because I used to do that. Everyone did, and you'll get better, please let me be the one to help you." She begged, cupping his face with one hand with her eyes still amber yellow.

He slowly nodded and closed his eyes, leaning into Leein's hand for warmth. Leein whispered that's it to him over and over, before hugging him tightly. With his hands on her waist and her arms now around his neck. They continued hugging like this for a few minutes, before jungkook decided to break the silence. "H-how's jimin?" Upon hearing that name Leein growled, but her amber eyes disappeared. "How the hell am I supposed to know how he is? And why the hell do you care about his condition?" Leein snapped, breaking the hug before glaring at him. "You hurt him pretty bad for me, I just wanted to see how long is it gonna take for him to heal so he can apologize." Jungkook quickly said after seeing her angry expression, but it soon calmed down when he finished his explanation.

Leein made a hmph sound before going to where jungkook dropped his books and picked them up. "Your gonna want to put them aw— Jeon Jungkook and Yun Leein, come with me to my office right now!" The principal roared in anger, causing both of them to jump, but as soon as he turned around the both giggled quietly. Jungkook silently went to his locker and grabbed his books from Leein's hand and put it in the locker before closing it. Walking hand in hand slightly faster to catch up to the principal they passed by the infirmary, looking inside of it were the rest of the members with jimin looking both of them, mostly jungkook with a cocky look on his face. Walking slightly faster to pass the infirmary, they made it to his office, stepping inside, both of them were met with a yelling old man.

"Do you have any idea what you have just done?! You have not only injured a student but nearly killed him, both of you! You can go to jail you know that?" They both nodded, jungkook trying to hold in his laugh as he dug his face into leein's neck. "Do you know how lucky you are that I'm only giving you a suspension? You guys are kids so I'm giving you another shot at life, but if this happens again there is no promise I'm not calling the cops." Leein put her upper lip above her bottom one to stop herself from smiling, leaving as soon as they were dismissed. "There won't be a next time principal, we're leaving." Leein and jungkook both said at the same time happily. Going towards the school yard, they ran out of school property and into the forest, where their true forms come out.

Their clothes ripped and fell onto the floor as they transformed, leein's wolf was white and grey, while jungkook's was white and black. They went closer to each other until their noses touched, letting their wolf bond officially start, they were now able to communicate within each other's head, and feel each other's feelings, It brought them closer. Separating, they turned the same direction and started running, not caring about anything or where they were.

'Where are we gonna go?' Leein asked jungkook, her head turning to jungkook as they stopped running. 'Let's run until we get tired, and enjoy this euphoric feeling.' Jungkook said, though she could feel him smiling as he did, she turned her head back to the front and began to run, following jungkook's words. Feeling adrenaline course through her, she ran even faster than jungkook as the excitement in her body was being let out. She used to go to the forest to vent all of her anger, now she's in here because she's with her mate, she's happy, and so is he.

'I love you, Leein.' Jungkook said breathlessly, tired from the running. 'I love you too, jungkook. I always will.' She got back up and walked towards jungkook, before laying onto his fur and falling asleep.

It's an extra 300 words short but I'm sorry!

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