CH 7 || Forgive and sleep

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"I'm sorry Leein, I didn't mean to take Yoongi's side— it's just that I've grown around them for years so when anyone does something to my hyungs I automatically defend them." Instead of Leein saying anything, she just turned around from him slowly and started walking, she wanted to forgive him badly, so so badly, but her stubborn side wasn't letting up. "Leein dammit, I love you, and I'll gladly stop talking to them for you, you were right they are not my mate so I do not need to defend them, you're my mate. Please, come back to me so we can be together again, I can't have our relationship fall apart in a day, I refuse for that to happen." Jungkook stood in the same place where Leein was, he was willing to do anything for her, even if it meant shutting out his beloved ones.

She stopped walking, lifting her head up to the sky before turning around to stare at the man before her. "Do you really mean that? Or are you just doing this to have me back?" Jungkook widened his eyes and walked a bit closer to where she was, and stood right in front of her. Grabbing her hands in his, he lifted them up and kissed them softly, before saying, "I'd do anything to have you by my side, you're the person I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with, of course I meant it." Jungkook gently let go of her hands and moved his towards her face, before leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead, Leein closed her eyes, allowing herself to forgive him, allowing herself to give him another chance. She was willing to give him another chance, because he was her first everything.

He backed away slowly before taking his hands off of her face, Jungkook grabbed Leein's hand, and swung them back and forth as they started walking towards her house. He knew she didn't want to be at his house because of his hyungs, so instead he went to hers. "Hey..uh, Leein?" She hummed, taking one quick glance at jungkook before looking forward again. "Do you mind if I stay at your place for a couple of days? I'm mad at Yoongi and Hoseok hyung." She hummed again before opening the gates to her house, and then closing it once she stepped inside her front yard. "But why are you mad at them?" She questioned, before going to her front door to open it. Stepping inside he said, "Why wouldn't I? They doubted you, clearly something you hate so of course I'm mad at them."

She turned her back on him, so he wouldn't be able to see her smiling as she heard jungkook's sentence. She put her keys on a counter next to her door and went towards the kitchen, still hungry. "Did you ever finish eating jungkook?" She turned her head to look at him as he shook his head no. Nodding at his answer, she put on her apron and began cooking, already aware that jungkook was sitting down on one of the stools and watching her. "Stop staring at me you creep." Even though Leein said that, she was still smiling while shaking her head. "It's not staring, it's admiring, jesums."  Jungkook said exasperated, meanwhile he was rolling his eyes sassily. "Mhm yeah sure."


After finishing their meals, they put it in the dishwasher to wash later and then went into the living room, plopping themselves onto the couch before turning on the tv. "What do you wanna watch?" Jungkook asked, the remote in his hand, Leein shrugged before leaning onto jungkook's chest to lay on him. Jungkook hummed and chose a comedy movie before dropping the remote to cuddle Leein. Halfway through the movie, Leein started getting sleepy. Slowly falling asleep on his shoulder, jungkook smiled and caressed her face before playing with her hair to help her fall asleep. She leaned more into his embrace, snuggling into his chest. Jungkook was looking down at her, feeling a sudden wave of happiness rush through him.

"Why am I such a love struck loser?" He said to himself, shaking his head while smiling. He looked at the tv and continued watching the movie even though he was starting to get sleepy as well. "Kookie—school—love." Leein murmured in her sleep, unaware of the pair of eyes staring at her. "School, and love? Weird combination." He said, whispering to himself. Jungkook looked back at the tv, knowing that the tv is boring, he turned it off and looked at Leein once again before carrying her. 'Shit, where's her room?' He thought, getting frustrated with himself for not asking Leein. Instead of waking her up, he just went upstairs and opened every door to find out which one was hers. Every room had a white paint on the walls so it hard to tell, opening the last door he immediately knew it was Leein's from how her room was styled.

With white walls and rose gold marble interior above and below the walls, some posters of things jungkook didn't even know exist, her laptop and her desk along with her big bed. He closed the door with his foot and walked towards her bed before gently putting her down and taking off her sneakers. Going to the closet, he grabbed a nightgown to put on her, walking back to the bed, he quickly took off the shirt and shorts she took from his closet and put the nightgown on her, throwing the clothes on the floor and then proceeding to take off his sneakers to cuddle his lover to sleep.

"I love you Leein." Jungkook said before going to sleep. Leein slowly opened her eyes and stared at jungkook, before smiling and saying, "I love you too, you dork." Then she closed her eyes and dug her head into jungkook's chest, smiling before sleeping once again.

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