CH 5 || The mating bond

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˚✩┊ᴰⁱᵈⁿ'ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᵐᵉ?┊✩˚

By the time they had stopped kissing each other it was already lunch time. They ran down the stairs, racing each other, and even though Leein had given up, it didn't mean she loved him, she liked him. But she knew that you don't kiss someone you like in such a romantic way, that's for love. But Leein didn't even know what she felt, maybe she did love him, maybe she didn't. By the time she finished thinking, they were already inside the cafeteria with jungkook's members waving at them.

They both walked to them, hand in hand. But Leein had her eyes of taehyung, she was going to make him pay for throwing two paperballs at her head. Practically jogging over there, she let go of jungkook's hand and ignored the way he was staring at her, instead she went towards taehyung and grabbed his hair roughly, pulling him up before dropping him on the floor. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" He yelled in annoyance, before attempting to get up, but he quickly fell down when Leein kick the back of his knee. "That was for throwing paperballs at me and being a prick yesterday," She then left taehyung and went towards namjoon who was looking at her with widened eyes, she pulled him up by his arms and kneed him in the stomach with all her force, leaving him to fall on the floor and huddle up in pain. "And that was for making me leave class and hurt my head." Leein looked up, feeling a sudden coldness rush through her, making her shiver.

"Shit, it's starting." She mumbled, but jungkook heard her and asked, "what's starting?" She walked towards him and held his hand, but after feeling how warm he was, she leaned into his embrace. "The mating bond is starting, I'm freezing cold." She whispered to him as she craved for more warmth, jungkook whispered an 'oh' and hugged her tight, trying to keep her warm as much as he could.

"Jungkook, Leein, you guys have to go home if it's starting now, this is only the first wave, there is more to come. Go through the front doors while it's still open." Jin advised, while the two others nodded their head and made their way out of the cafeteria and to the exit, by the time they were outside Leein was already shivering. Jungkook picked up Leein and wrapped her legs around his waist while he started to run to his house, it being only a few blocks away gave him enough courage for his werewolf side to come out and start running even faster.

Now only a block away, Leein's teeth were already clattering together, jungkook's worry for her was enormous. He didn't know what to do to keep her warm. Right in front of his house, he hurriedly took out his keys and put it into the knob, twisting it until the door finally opened, he then took his keys and closed the door before throwing them somewhere on the floor. He ran upstairs to his room and slammed open his door, before quickly closing it and putting Leein on the bed.

He backed away for a quick second to take of his shoes, before doing the same to Leein, who was currently desperate for his touch. Quickly finishing up, he got onto the bed before putting the covers on the both of them and cuddled Leein. But it wasn't enough for her, she wanted more warmth, this wasn't enough warmth to her. "Jung—kook it's not warm enough, it's so cold." He widened his eyes, 'what the hell do i need to do for her to finally be warm?' He thought as everything in his mind paced around so fast.


"Wait...the 'mating' bond." He said aloud, now he knew what he had to do, he had to mate with her in order for her to feel warm. 'That's why it's called the mating bond. But what if she's not ready for it? Ahh I don't care, she's freezing cold so she's gonna have to deal with it.' He leaned up, ignoring Leein's desperate cries as he started to take off his shirt, along with his pants, moving down to his boxers he hesitated. Though he ended up taking it off, he still had a part of him that was hesitant in doing this. He moved towards Leein who tried to hug him, but he lifted her arms up to take of her shirt, the moved down onto her skirt and clipped it off. Next was her bra, to which he unhooked and slid off her arms, throwing all of the clothes piled on his lap onto the floor somewhere, he hesitated taking off her underwear as he looked at it.

"Just do it jungkook! I wanna be warm!" She cried out to him, snapping jungkook out of his trance. He lifted his shaky hands up midair, and brought them down to the hem of her underwear, before sliding it off completely and closing his eyes. They were only doing this for the bond, jungkook knew Leein didn't want to have sex yet, so he respected her privacy. Throwing them somewhere in the room, he took her leg and bent it. Though he didn't want to look, he had to make sure she was wet enough to make it less painful. He took his index finger and touched her hole, looking at Leein who wasn't the least bit affected, instead she calmed down a little.

He continued to touch around her hole and her clitoris to get her wet, his middle finger joining in. Positioning his fingers to her hole, he slowly pushed in, hearing her moan and push her hips up gently to meet his fingers. He continued to push his fingers in, doing a scissoring motion. His other hand joining in to press his thumb against her clitoris and rub it. She moaned softly when he pulled his fingers almost all the way out, before pushing it back in. He was looking at her face and her reactions to this, he stopped rubbing her clit and touched her stomach to see how cold she was. She was still cold, but not as cold as she was before, which means this is working.

He continued the same things for a few more times, before pulling his fingers out slowly, not wanting to hurt Leein. Her hips bucked up wanting more, and he felt her stomach slowly become freezing temperature once again. Knowing she was lubricated enough, he hovered above her and put his arms beside her head. Taking one of them out of position, he used it to line up his semi-hard erection to her entrance. Pushing in slowly, Leein moaned, tilting her head back. Halfway in jungkook grunted, nearly rolling his eyes back from the amount of pleasure he was receiving, he never felt like he how he felt now, this was all new to him and it felt so good.

Then he pulled out almost halfway, before slamming back in with full force, both of them moaning in each other's ears. He slowly started to thrust, lifting his head up to kiss her. Putting a little more force into his thrusts, he started going faster, earning moans and grunts from the both of them. Leein lifted her legs up and wrapped them around jungkook's waist, then her arms wrapping around jungkook's neck. He broke the kiss and went towards her neck, spraying pecks all over and sucking on spots, leaving hickeys. He put himself on his elbows and thrusted even faster, leaning up from her neck and staring at her with admiration in his eyes.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back, "mmm, fuck," he moaned out loud, but looked back down when he felt a tug around his neck. There was Leein staring at him with her mouth open as a moan slipped out, "I'm close kook, please go faster."  She begged, which not only boosted his ego, but made his heart beat fast. He gradually increased his pace, loving how vocal she was with him, he grunted feeling himself get even closer than before to his high. Jungkook leaned down once again to kiss her, but this time softly, savouring the moment. He unwrapped her legs from his waist, and got up, standing on his knees. He bent her legs and pushed them towards her chest, being able to thrust faster and deeper in this position.

"Mmm, fuck fuck fuck!" Jungkook moaned, high in the moment as he was close to reaching his climax. "I'm gonna cum lee, come with me, fuck!" He moaned once again, thrusting sloppily as he was reaching his climax. Leein bucked her hips up and moaned loudly, feeling something warm ejaculate inside of her as she cummed hard. Jungkook moved her legs away from her chest and leaned down, thrusting slowly as they were still sensitive, he quickly pressed his lips
towards hers, then broke it. Pulling out, he moved towards the side and hugged Leein, who caught him by surprise by her warm body temperature. But he didn't care now, because it worked and now they were going to sleep.

An extra 300 words for the smut, I'm no good writer for a damn smut let alone writing a story, but it is one of my many attempts in trying

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