CH 4 || Given Up

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˚✩┊ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵐʸ ᵈʳᵘᵍ, ⁱ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ ʸᵒᵘ┊✩˚

Sitting inside the classroom with other students, was leein and some of the members from jungkook's group. She smiled in victory, seeing he wasn't in this class like he always was. Maybe she hurt his pride, or ego and went to go fuck some other chick. But she paid no mind and shrugged her shoulders, paying attention to the teacher. A few minutes into the teacher listing out instructions for the math test they have tomorrow, Leein feels something hit the back of her head, quickly turning around she sees Taehyung smirking at her while holding another one in his right hand. This time though she's ready when he throws the next one even though she's facing the teacher. Feeling the wind rushing towards her in less than a second, she catches it with her right hand, not even blinking when it is right next to her eye.

Instead, she smirks and throws it right back without even sparing a glance at him. The paperball hit him roughly in the head and he jerked back slightly at the impact, causing the chair to scoot backwards and some students to look at him. "Stupid." She muttered, before putting her full attention back onto the teacher once again. Jotting down some notes, leein quickly dropped her pencil and grabbed her head roughly, groaning out loudly in pain. She quickly got up and ran out of class, but not before She looked at Jungkook's group of friends who were currently smiling at her while waving at her. She ran to one of secret staircases she discovered while running away yesterday and chilled there, taking out a pair of pills from her bag and swallowing then forcefully. She didn't want that black dot to appear in her pupil again, it was dangerous for her and other humans around her when it appeared. She grabbed her head softly this time, the ringing in her ears calming down by a big amount. "They are a whole bunch of pricks. They knew that would affect me." She gritted her teeth in annoyance and got back up, going up the flights of stairs to make her way to the rooftop.

On the second floor, she could hear the murmurs of the freshmen while looking at her. Of course it was weird for a senior to be on the second floor when they should be in class, but she paid no mind and continued making her way up the stairs. On the third floor she stopped, it was quiet, too quiet. Sophomores shouldn't have class right now, they should be outside and talking. But she ignored it once again and continued her way up the stairs. On the last floor there was no one either, but at last she just skipped that floor and made her way to the roof, opening the door roughly as she breathed in the smell of fresh air. She stepped outside and walked towards the railings and leaned over it, looking at the buildings and people pass by. "Ahh!" She yelled in pain once again, the ringing coming back, but this time more powerful. She turned around, seeing jungkook looking at her with a little smile on his face.

"I didn't know how to get you before, but now I do. I thought plain seduction would work, but now all I have to do is use my powers and you would be down on the floor. You really are weak." He said, watching as she fell down on her knees. He walked towards her and bent down, reaching one of hands out to caress her cheeks while she was still groaning from the ringing that was slowly disappearing. Then he moved his hands from her cheek to her arm and pulled her up roughly, earning a small moan of pain from her. He slammed her against one of the nearest walls and pinned her there, making sure she was able to stand up right. "Why can't you love me? Do I not deserve your love?" He said to her, his face showed a tint of sadness, but it wasn't noticeable, at least not to her.

"You're not my mate, you don't deserve it." She spat at him, to which he quickly wiped off and stared at her again, this time his gaze was darkening. The hand that was holding her arm went to her thigh, slowly rising higher. "Are you telling me, that when I do this you don't feel anything?" He said, going even closer to her, his hand already starting to go under her skirt. "Are you telling me you're not tempted to do something to me while I'm doing this?" He smiled and shook his head seeing how unresponsive leein was. Her mouth was closed but her eyes were looking at everything else but him. He grabbed her chin with his other hand and said, "look at me and tell me you don't want me? That you don't want to take over me, tell me. Show me." He said the last part with a whisper, before touching the outline of her underwear. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her response. Instead of her response, she turned him around and put her hand on his neck, and squeezing roughly. She leaned over to his right ear and whispered, "why me?" She leaned back and looked at jungkook, who was now smirking while staring at her.

"Because you interest me, you make me want you, you make me desire you. You make me like you, you do things to me that I don't like, but I do at the same time, because it's you leein." He reached out a hand to put it on leein's cheek, but she smacked his hand away from her and tightened her hold, earning a moan from him. She couldn't deny it, she was feeling things from his seduction, things she shouldn't feel, yet she didn't want it to stop. Instead of backing up and running away like she did last time, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Jungkook lifted his hands up and grabbed her waist, pulling her even closer than before, she moved her hand from his neck to the back of his neck, her other hand joining in.

Thunder roaring as rain started pouring down roughly on both of them, they broke the kiss and stared at each other. Breathing heavily, smiling, they kissed each other once again. He turned both of them, pressing her to the wall while one of his hands went up her leg and pulled it up. The thunder continued to roar, like as if it was trying to protest whatever was happening between them, but that didn't stop them, it only encouraged them. Leein had given up on trying to fight him, she's liked him ever since they met, she just never showed it. Now she's his, and he's hers.

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