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"Jung—gguk, c'mon we have to go! We're already late!" Leein yelled to him, getting ready to drive off, but then she heard two waits and someone breathing heavily before opening the door. "Took you freaking long enough!" Leein huffed, before finally driving off to where they are supposed to be. It's been a good six years since high school, and a good four years with jimin as their best friend. Jimin apologized a week after the fight, and tried to be friends with them , which took a lot of convincing, but here they were, going to him and his wife's baby shower. She was four months pregnant, and has yet to know the gender. Two years after high school, jungkook proposed to Leein in front of a Ferris wheel with people cheering them. Though they have yet to have a kid, they want one. They had to move in together and get used to each other and get baby things, but can't with the amount of things happening.

Jimin is getting married next month, then he's having a baby in five more months. Then namjoon is getting married in a few months and also is expecting. And last Yoongi, the one Leein once hated but now loves to death, he's expecting and is gonna propose soon. Jungkook and Leein were truly happy for them, but they wanted a child of their own as well instead of only seeing their friends having kids. Arriving at the destination, Leein parked the car in front of the place but before leaving she grabbed a bag filled with baby clothes to hand to jimin and his wife, then closed the door, jungkook doing the same and then closing and locking the car. They both walked to the front of the door and knocked twice, the door opening and there was jimin's wife, Yang Leenun. "Oh wow! You're stomach is getting bigger." She laughed before letting them in and then closing the door. "That's ones thing you can say as a hello." She said, joking with a smile on her face.

"Oh—here, this is for you." Leein said, handing her the wrapped gift. Leenun looked at her and then the gift, before hugging her tightly and saying thank you. "You've been doing nothing but supporting me and jimin after what he did to you, I have no idea on how I could thank you." Leenun said, teary-eyed. "You can help us by keep jimin happy." Jungkook said with a smile on his face, and then going in to hug Leenun before both Leein and jungkook left her to go to jimin. Going to where the rest of the members are which was outside in the backyard, they both hugged all of them and greeted their wives. Leein left jungkook to talk with his members and went to jimin, wanting to having a nice talk with him to surprise jungkook.

Seeing him talk to some of the guests that arrived from Leenun's side of the family, Leein politely asked if she could steal jimin for a moment. Grabbing his arm, she took him to the corner of the backyard where no one else was. "Jimin how are you doing?" Leein said, trying not to laugh when jimins face went from nervous to relaxed. "I'm doing fine, what is it you pulled me here for?" Suddenly being asked that question Leein got nervous and took a deep breath before saying, "I'm pregnant, jimin. And I hope you don't mind but I wanna tell jungkook right after you expose the gender of the baby." Leein said, looking at jimin to see if there is any kind of anger in his eyes, but instead he smiled and said, "of course you can, you are family, and after everything you've done for me and everything I have done to you, you deserve to have a bit of spotlight in your life." Leein smiled and hugged jimin tight, startling him before he hugged her back. "Thank you." She whispered to him before breaking the hug and running towards jungkook and the others that were watching her interact with jimin.

"What was that about, babe?" Jungkook asked, looking at Leein with one eyebrow raised, Leein mischievously smiled and said, "it was nothing babe, let's go sit down, the gender reveal is about to happen." Leein said excitedly, confusing jungkook, though he thought nothing of it and sat down with her on his lap. Jimin and Leenun stood in the middle of their yard, before saying their speech. "Hello guys, welcome to our baby shower, where we will find our what gender our baby is. It is truly an honor to have everyone one of our close friends and families here, and even those who traveled far to see us. I truly thank you." Leenun bowed, before turning to her soon to be husband. "Hello, friends and family, I would like to introduce you my seven friends who are like siblings to me. They are the ones who truly helped me find myself and find the woman I love, and I would like to give a special shout out to Yun Leein, because she helped me prepare all of this, and kept us together even during hard times, so thank you, Leein." Jimin, said looking at Leein and smiling at her.

After finishing his speech about his family, he grabbed a big needle from a table next to him and went close to the balloon that was tied to a table. Popping it, was powder coming out of it, showing both jimin and Leenun at what they saw. She gasped, tears rolling down her eyes, while jimin was teary-eyed, staring at the powder with his mouth open in shock. Everyone cheered for them, including Leein and jungkook, they both smiled and clapped. "I-it's a boy, a-and a girl. W-we're gonna have twins." Leenun whispered, both of hands covering her mouth as she cried, jimin walked towards her and hugged her tightly, crying in her embrace. Everyone continued clapping and cheering for them as they both cried in happiness.

But jimin slowly let go of her and turned around, wiping his tears on his sleeve and sniffling before saying, "guys, I have another surprise for everyone, Leein come up here and say what you have to say." Jimin said, before leaving with his wife to go sit down on one of the seats. She got up from the confused jungkook's lap and went towards the middle, looking at everyone she became nervous, but she closed her eyes and breathed deeply in, and then out. "E-everyone, I have something to say," She looked at jungkook who was patiently waiting for her to say it, and then looked at his hyungs, before saying, "I'm pregnant, a week so far." She said, looking at jungkook to see his reaction, everyone was silent, waiting for the father to come up.

Jungkook slowly got up from his seat and walked towards Leein, tears streaming down his face as he hugged her, everyone then stared cheering once again, happy for the both of them. "You're not joking right?" Jungkook said, hugging her even tighter than before, Leein shook her head no before giggling happily. Jungkook lifted her up before spinning her, and then kissed her. "God I'm so lucky to have you, I can't wait for our child to come out so I can treat them like a prince or princess." Jungkook said, before kissing her again. He slowly put her down, and bowed to everyone before going back to where his hyungs were. Each one of them hugging them in a form of congratulations, then jimin and Leenun. The four did a group hug before congratulating each other.

It was truly a day of euphoria, with everyone saying goodbyes after they finished eating dinner and Dessert, including jungkook and Leein. They went back inside their car and drove off back to their place, holding hands. "Leein, I love you, and I thought I couldn't possibly love you more than I did before, but it turns out I can, because you just proved to me I could." Jungkook said, looking at Leein while she was driving. "You make it sound like you're proposing to me all over Again, I love you too ggukie." She stopped at a red light and turned to jungkook, before leaning over to press her lips to his.

❦𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗱❦

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