CH 3 || An attempt

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Arriving home, she skipped the rest of school, knowing her anger would take hours to finally be done. By the time she came inside, it was already 17:32 (5:32pm). She shook her head and proceeded to make her way to the kitchen and took out a cup of noodles.

After completely cooking (boiling) them, She poured it into a bowl and grabbed her chopsticks and started eating.


"Namjoon hyung, i think i found where she went today when she left." He quickly looked up at him, urging him to continue on with his sentence. "She was where we usually go hunting, but she was destroying everything. She was even able to break some trees!" Jungkook said in amazement, while the rest including Namjoon widened their eyes, clearly surprised with how strong she was. "She's freaking strong then, we're still going with our plan though, right Namjoon?" Jin said, all of them staring at Namjoon. He nodded, and Jungkook cheered silently before going back to what he was doing.

Inside his room, were a few pictures of Leein, but also a few pictures of his deceased ex, who he now moved on from by force. But he wasn't focused on them, instead he was focused on how the whole plan would work out. He wondered if he would have to take her by force rather than being gentle, it's not like he wanted to do either of them, but if he wanted her to be his mate rather than someone else then he would have no choice but to.

"But how?" He mumbled in frustration, namjoon may be the smartest and have the brains, but jungkook wasn't nearly as strong as her, so how the hell was he gonna take her by force? If anything it would be the complete opposite. He ruffled his hair and looked down at the desk, deep in thought. "What if i take her by surprise?" Jungkook said, but then shook his head again, the thought already gone as soon as it came. He knew her reflexes had to have been really fast, after all everyone is after a female to make them their mate. But what if he drugged her? What if he put viagra in that drink she brought.

But then she would only give herself to him because of the drug, not because she wanted to. He groaned in frustration as he realized nothing would work on the girl. He got up and went to the pictures, but not Leein's, his ex. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes and said, "I may have moved on from you, but that doesn't mean i don't miss you, in fact, i wish my future mate would be just like you, so they can fall in love with me the second they see me, but not everyone is like that. Why do i always go after the stubborn ones?" He leaned onto the table in front of the pictures and tilted his head back, heaving a long sigh in distress. He got up once again and walked around the room slowly, still thinking of the possible ways and the outcomes. His eyes widen up a thought popped up in his head. "Maybe i could just seduce her? I'm not stronger than her, neither are my hyungs so that leaves me to the only option i know how to do and do it right." He nodded his head with a satisfied smile on face, before putting an end to the day and changing his clothes.


Already arriving at the front of the school was, Leein, Park Jimin, and the six other guys. They were all separated though, except for jimin and leein, they were close enough to have their shoulder bumping against each other. Jungkook along with a few others looked at them, jealousy rising through him as he continued to stare at them. Namjoon took jungkook by surprise and wrapped an arm around his shoulder, forcing him to move along instead of watching them. He went to his lockers and opened his roughly, before putting his non-important things inside and taking out his important things to put in his bag for class.

Leein and Jimin came into the school, some kids staring at them while others paid no mind, that of course wasn't jungkook, he was watching her every move. He watched as she leaned closer to him and hugged jimin, putting her head on his shoulder while he accepted. Jungkook narrowed his eyes, and continued looking at them, until jimin made eye contact with him. They kept it for some time before leein broke the hug and pushed jimin forward to go to his locker. Feeling someone watching her, she looked everywhere until she found a pair of brown eyes staring right back at hers. She rolled her eyes and walked to her locker, completely ignoring jungkook's behavior.

Jungkook closed his locker shut while staring at leein's back, he slowly walked up behind her, his members calling his name is protest because this clearly wasn't apart of the plan they discussed yesterday. He leaned close to her and put his hands around her and onto the lockers, caging her in. She slowly closed her locker and turned around, leaning onto it as she stared at jungkook into the eye. He felt a little bit intimidated but nonetheless he continued onto his plan. "Why don't you like me? Hmm?" He whispered to her as he took one of his hands off of the wall and placed it on her thigh.

Leein's heart was beating fast as she continued staring at him, clearly she didn't know what was going on to her heart, but she didn't want it to stop. "Am i not good enough for you. Or is it the opposite?" He whispered again, before bringing his hand a little higher, and right before it touched a little too close over the boundaries, she grabbed his hand roughly and pushed back into the opposite wall of the side she was. She let go of his hand and grabbed his neck roughly, earning a moan from him, shocking leein and everyone else as it got quiet. "I love it when you grab me rough mommy." He moaned again when she tightened her hold on him, but quickly let go when she heard what he said. She stepped back and said, "You're disgusting, you know that? i sincerely hope you do."

Though she knew he was disgusting, she couldn't stop her body from reacting to what he said, he had a great impact on her. Her heart was still beating fast as she continued to think about what just happened out there, a sudden wave of heat hit her hard causing her to drop to her knees. "No, i refuse to be with him. I have a mate out there, I can't do this to him just because there was a guy who was being selfish." She mumbled out loud to herself, though no matter how much times she tried to convince herself that she wasn't going to leave her mate who she hasn't even met behind, she's already two steps ahead to doing so.

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