CH 1 ||She's known

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˚✩┊ᴮᵉ ᵐʸ ˡᵒᵛᵉ, ⁿᵒᵗ ʰⁱˢ┊✩˚


Leein threw her bag onto the floor next to her seat before sitting down, leaning on her desk waiting for the teacher to make their arrival. She looked around, seeing the popular girls sitting next to each other, gossiping about pathetic things. Her head turned to the right quickly as she caught the scent of wolves, there she saw them walking towards their seat.

One of them looked straight at her, smirking a bit before going to his seat, which was a few rows away from hers. The teacher came in a little after them, apologizing for being late before going back on course. The rest of the members stood up for a bit, looking around for something before going to sit down, most of them sat next to her while one sat in front of her.

'Fuck.' Leein thought, all she could smell was dog and it was disgusting to her. She could feel some of their eyes on her, it made her uncomfortable but she did nothing to prevent it, instead tried to focus on her studies. 'Relax leein, you came here to study, not to cause a problem with wolves.' She licked her lips before opening her book and writing down the things on the board.

Leein looks forward when a sharp sting stops her from writing, she quickly drops the pencil in her hand and grabs her head, almost screaming out in agony when the pain gets worse. She looks to the right and sees one of the guys looking at her, smirking when he sees her face of pain, she turns to the right and sees the other guy staring at her as well. Leein was getting angry, having these men try and control her was making her want to control them. Her fangs grew and her eyes turned into a color no one would be able to decipher before making the pain stop.

She looked up for a few seconds before looking towards them, seeing them widen their eyes as they saw hers. "What the fuck??" They whispered in disbelief, Leein winked at him before slapping him. The teacher stop teaching and looked in the back, staring at the both of them. "Next time you do that, i can't guarantee you will only get a slap." Leein said aloud, before grabbing her bag and leaving, not even sparing a glance at the class. It had only been 15 minutes after class started and already she left.

She went towards the cafeteria and sat down, taking out a sketch book and some color pencils to fill it in, she thought instead of releasing her anger on useless men she decided to release it on drawing. Filling in a black void, she heard the cafeteria door open and there she could smell the disgustingness of a wolf. "What do you want." Leein said,  continue to draw a big hole, with someone falling. The said man continued walking until he was close to her before saying "Nice drawing, is it me falling?"

"Would you like it to be you??" Leein snapped back, staring at the man, he simply smiled before sitting down across from her. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" She said, not bothering to look up. "Aren't you?" He asked back, raising an eyebrow as her drawing looked more detailed than before. "You stink of dog, can you seriously leave? You're hurting my nose." She scrunched her nose as soon as she focused on his smell. He scoffed before quickly saying, "And you stink of human yet i'm not saying anything." He widened his eyes when he realized something.

"How do you know i smell of a dog if you smell like a human??" He asked, leaning forward. Leein dropped her pencil, staring at her drawing for a few seconds before looking up at him, maintaining direct contact. "Woo, you spotted me. I don't know man, don't ask me." She raised her hands in defense before picking her pencil up and going back to drawing. "Why don't you know? Did your parents not raise you?" She raised her eyes to him so fast you would've though she was staring the whole time. "Jackpot." He whispered when he witnessed her eyes turn into a color he couldn't decipher before quickly turning back to normal.

"I hit a spot, didn't i?" He teased, leaning back and crossing his legs. She smirked, before closing her book and shoving it inside her bag as well as he pencils, getting up from her seat and walking towards the exit. "Hey wait don't leave, i didn't mean to upset you." The boy said from his seat before getting up walking towards her, she didn't stop walking but instead opened the doors into the hallway and turned right. "Dammit. Stop!" Leein stopped walking and stood put, seeing other students slowly pouring out into the hallway. "I'm sorry.." He waited, asking for her name. Leein turned around and pushed him, her strength slightly out of control as he ended up on the floor.

"We aren't friends, stop treating me as one. I wouldn't even wanna be your damn friend." She snarled, before quickly walking from the gasping students and the girls who wanted to kill her towards the back of the school. Jungkook groaned in pain as his members helped him up, "Why is she so freaking strong??" Jungkook mumbled, but his hyungs heard it. "Do you know her?" He shook his head, "But i wanna get to know her, something's telling me i should get to know her."

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