CH 8 || Fight, bite, heal

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˚✩┊ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒ ᵗᵒᵒ, ʳⁱᵍʰᵗ?┊✩˚

Waking up from the alarm was a disaster, with Leein being pulled back by jungkook because he didn't wanna go to school, and then with jungkook whining and pulling tantrums. "I swear to god jungkook if you don't shower and get ready within fifteen minutes oh so god help me I will murder you." Leein said, staring at him angrily with her eyes flickering from her normal color to yellow. Seeing that, jungkook let go of Leein and got up quickly, taking the extra towel she gave to him and toothbrush before closing the door to the bathroom. Leein sighed in relief and got up from the bed and heading over to her desk to take her charged phone from it and her bag that she did not place there. She was about to leave the room to wait for jungkook downstairs, but then she heard a yell.

"Ahhh! Leein! I'm done, but I forgot my clothes." Jungkook cried out embarrassingly, Leein chuckled before saying, "I'm leaving the room anyways, you're safe." She shook her head before leaving the room and closing the door. Putting her bag around her while going down the stairs, she placed her hands on her forehead before rubbing it in circles. "That boy gives me headaches." She said while groaning at the incoming migraine. "I heard that, and I'm not a headache!" Jungkook yelled back, while Leein just ignored what he said and checked her watch. Seeing it was seven forty-nine, she told jungkook to hurry up so that he could eat his two waffles and go. The door opened with a rushed jungkook tucking his shirt into his pants while practically running down the stairs.

"Jesums, you're like a mom." Jungkook said sassily before sitting down on the stool and eating his waffles. "And you're like a kid, now hurry up and eat those damn waffles, we don't have all day you know." Leein said in an obvious tone, causing jungkook to roll his eyes and quickly finish his first waffle. Walking towards the door, she waited while staring at him and tapping her foot impatiently, seeing him taking his time on the second waffle, she rolled her eyes and said, "if you don't eat that damn waffle fast right now I will shove it down your throat." She said in a threatening tone. Jungkook widened his eyes and ate the last big piece before getting up from the stool and walking towards Leein. She opened the door quickly before pushing jungkook outside along with herself and then closed the door.

She checked her watch again, seeing it was seven fifty-four. Leein widened her eyes before practically running with jungkook's hand in hers. Ignoring jungkook's sudden questions at her running, she continued to run and was now a few block away from school. "Jungkook shut up and run with me will you? You run faster so do me a favor and run to school." She said, before turning around to look at the offended jungkook. Instead of saying anything this time though, he just followed leein's order and dragged her with him, resulting in a lot of pulling because of how strong she was. Finally making it in front on the school, they both ran inside right before the guards closed the entrance and both leaned down on their knees. "Fuck, that's tiring." Leein exasperated, letting out long breaths.

Jungkook stood back up and giggled before lifting up Leein by her arms and forcing her to walk with him to his locker. Feeling eyes on them, they already knew people would be staring at them because jungkook was never like this, at least not with people at school. Even though Leein felt eyes on her, she felt a certain pair glaring daggers behind her back. She turned her head around and saw jimin, staring at her with such dark eyes it kinda of scared her, knowing he was the same thing as her meant that they both had equal strength. She quickly turned back around and stared at jungkook taking out his important things from his locker before closing it. Catching her staring, he asked if they were both ready to go to class, though uncertain she said yes.

Going to the first class together, was interrupted by no other than jimin. "Leein, no meet and greet today?" He said smiling, but his eyes said different. Leein smiled as well even though she was scared, not for herself but jungkook. "Yeah, sorry about that, we're kind of in a rush because of jungkook here and we have to go to class." She grabbed jungkook's hand before entering the class, but something jimin said stopped her. "I thought you didn't like jungkook? Or his members, didn't you say you hated them with a passion?" Leein turned around and furrowed her eyes in genuine confusion, "now I don't remember saying that, don't put words that never came out of my mouth into it." She said, looking at jimin with narrowed eyes.

"Oh? I don't always have to put words, I could also put something else inside that I'm sure you'll gag on." Jimin said with a smirk before winking at Leein. Right when she was about to say something, jungkook stepped in, "watch your mouth jimin, it's not my fault you can't get women, but don't pick on mine, she's already marked by me." Jungkook said proudly, before looking at leein with a serious expression. Opening the door to their class, Leein was about to step in, when she was pulled back by her arm roughly. "Ah!" Leein cried out in pain when she realized it was jimin who was holding her in such a tight grip. Jungkook turned around, and his eyes turned red. He dropped the books in his hand and approached jimin, before punching him straight in the face.

Jimin quickly let go of Leein, taken by surprise with the punch and hit the floor with a loud thud, by the time this was happening everyone was already in class. Jungkook straddled him and continued punching him, not letting him breathe, that was until the tables switched and jimin was now on top of him. "Guys, stop it!" Leein yelled out to them but it was no use, she tried to go closer to try to stop the fight, but she was held back. She turned around and saw that it was namjoon along with jungkook's other hyungs. They went to the fight and tried to stop it, but seeing as jimin was stronger than all of them combined, they couldn't. "Let me go! He's my breed!" Leein screamed out, getting angry at jimin for treating her mate like this. Her eyes flickered red and yellow, now one eye was fully yellow and the other one was half red and half yellow.

Her fangs and claws grew before she pounced onto jimin and rolled him over, scratching him all over before punching him. Jungkook was on the floor next to the both of them, groaning in pain as his nose was bleeding. Hearing jungkook in pain only boosted her anger, so she continued to punch him, before scratching half of his face deeply, causing jimin to cry out. Although they had the same strength, when one of them are angry, their strength is the strongest. "Lee—Leein, s-stop." Jungkook said weakly, rolling his head over to look over at both of them. Jimin scratched badly and beaten up badly with Leein on top of him still punching him. Soon one of the members ran to Leein and picked her up, she was thrashing against their hold and almost got free if it weren't for jungkook getting up very slowly and walking to her.

He kissed her even though his lips were filled with blood, and she slowly calmed down, accepting the kiss and holding his face gently knowing he was in pain. He let her go gently and backed away, going next to the members who were watching what was happening. Leein slowly broke the kiss, staring at jungkook with such sincerity in her eyes. But then she looked around his face and spotted bruises and his blood nose. Then she looked at jimin with a furious expression, but before she could do anything to jimin Yoongi and Jin went to jimin quickly and carried him to the infirmary to treat him, making her anger disappear. Leein's claws slowly became shorter nails, but her fangs didn't. She lifted her wrist up to her mouth and bit into it, before holding it to jungkook's mouth.

"W-what are you doing Leein? I—I can't drink your blood." Jungkook said nervously, going back and forth between her eyes and her wrist. "Yes you can, now drink so you can heal from whatever that bastard did to you." Jungkook looked nervously at her hand again before grasping it with her two hands, by the time he put his mouth onto her wrist there was now no one in the hallway as jungkook's hyungs were in the infirmary. Feeling his fangs growing, he bit more deeply into her wrist, earning a moan from her as she threw her head back. He backed her up to one of the lockers and sucked more roughly, feeling his pain and sore spots disappear instantly when her blood was processed into his system.

Lifting her while arm up, he continued to suck on her wrist, not wanting to stop. Leein moaned in pain, pulling her wrist to try and unlatch his mouth from her wrist. Seeing no avail, she pushed him with her other hand roughly, sending back to the opposite side of her, breathing heavily and watching her wrist slowly heal again. She watched as jungkook slowly slid down the floor, staring at Leein with such a terrified face.

An extra 400 words for the fight :)

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