chapter 1

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"Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, i would have no identifiable personality, whatsoever"
- David letterman

Chapter 1

Wang Yibo POV

Wang Yibo entered the cafe and went straight to the locker room without paying attention to his surrounding. He changed  into his uniform peach color shirt and his regular jeans. When Yibo joined the cafe they didn't really have a uniform but the very next day  the owner let the workers know they would be wearing uniform and new set of rules would be established. Yibo felt weird but it didn't bother him so he left it at that.

Yibo went to his section cash counter. When the owner informed them Yibo would be working on taking orders and cash counter he was the most hated person at that moment, Yibo did not give any reaction to that and the workers went back to their work bitching about it.

Its been four months since Yibo joined as part-timer, the workers perspective about Yibo totally changed.

Wang Yibo a beautiful specimen to exist on earth. Small face with a sharp jaw, brown eyes with cupid bow lips and chestnut brown hair invites a warm feeling but the unblinking eyes and stoic face scares people away.

Girls would try to flirt with him while ordering, Yibo being Yibo didn't understand the girls thinking Yibo rejected them would leave with disappointment.

The workers approached Yibo at the end of first week of his work wondering what is wrong with him to reject the girls. They asked him why and if he was in a relationship the reply they got was absurd they ever heard,
"Am I supposed to reply to them?"
"Should I accept them? Ain't that unethical".
That day they came to know that Wang Yibo was misunderstood by his unfriendliness and he is a good person.

It was a hot afternoon Saturday when Meng Ziyi came into the cafe startling the workers. She started teasing how her employees are scaredy cats. Wang Yibo works full-day on Saturday as he has nothing to do when Sunday being Family time and to complete his assignments. Meng Ziyi informed the workers that she is planning to redecorate the cafe. The workers were happy as the place almost looks worn-out. She told them her friend who is an interior designer would join her around 4pm to discuss about the idea.

Around 4pm the cafe bell chimed in came an Angel taking Yibo's breath way. Yibo was awestruck at the Angel who now smiled at him. Yibo shook his head and went back to work without giving it another thought. To Yibo being awestruck is a new feeling, admiring a person is a new feeling, wanting to touch that smile is a very new feeling that hit Yibo like an arrow he did not expect to happen not now not later or ever.
The Angel claimed a window seat and  gave his attention to his phone and that bothered Yibo, the angel didn't order anything for a while and that again bothered him.

Xiao Zhan POV

Xiao Zhan entered the Sunshot cafe that belongs to his friend Ziyi as scheduled. Xiao Zhan is the cutest human on earth. His radiant black eyes, chocolate brown hair with bangs and ever smiling lips with a mole below melts people within a look.

Xiao Zhan looked around the cafe for Ziyi but only found a handsome guy at the cash counter. Xiao Zhan smiled at the handsome face and took a seat near the window to wait for Ziyi. Xiao Zhan texted Ziyi that he is waiting for her.

Few minutes later Meng Ziyi came out of her office and ran straight to Xiao zhan. Xiao Zhan happily hugged her. Behind the counter Yibo stood with a sour look watching them. Xiao Zhan went to the counter to order to get something,  he had his lunch earlier yet he is hungry. Xiao Zhan smiled at the handsome face and placed his order. Yibo asked what Xiao Zhan would like to order and told him to wait for few minutes to receive his coffee and sandwiches. Xiao Zhan went back to his seat wondering why handsome face did not even spare him a look.

The cafe was busy  when Xiao Zhan's food arrived there were no other worker to deliver them. Grunting at his luck Yibo went to Xiao Zhan's table and placed his food down. Meng Ziyi saw Yibo serving, pulled Yibo to sit down. She introduced Xiao Zhan to Yibo ignoring Yibo's menacing look at her. " Yibo this is Xiao Zhan my friend whom i told you earlier about, Xiao Zhan this is Wang Yibo my friend and the best employee here"

"Hello Mr.Xiao I'm Wang Yibo" Yibo after hearing that xiao Zhan is just a friend to Ziyi happily introduced himself. His happy face is a little twitch in his lips.

"Hi Wang Yibo" xiao Zhan gave him his bunny smile.

Looking at the two formally flirting Ziyi felt like banging her head and was also surprised at Yibo. Because this man would not ever indulge in a conversation unless it intrested him, not even for a formality would he take part.

Yibo went back to work giving his full attention to xiao Zhan even through the busy cafe with bustling customers.

Xiao Zhan and Meng Ziyi discussed about redecoration and budget. Xiao Zhan asked what kind of style she would prefer. Meng Ziyi glared at her friend  " Zhan do you really think I would have given it much thought" Meng Ziyi as she said didn't give any thoughts about redecoration. And she is not interested in doing so as it's not her priority. The cafe was is not what she want, it is not hers to begin with, Ziyi inherited the cafe but her sole interest and priority is given to her job as a doctor.

Ziyi met Zhan when Zhan broke his leg and came for treatment with his friends. Ziyi was a resident student in the Gusu city hospital. Xiao Zhan was making fun of Zhuocheng with Jili and Yubin his other friends while his ankle straped in a cast. Ziyi came to know that Xiao Zhan jumped from his roof to the tree five feet away to win a bet that he could do ninja technique from her brother Yubin. They were all friends from then. Ziyi would be arguing with Xiao Zhan how he lack intelligence and Zhan would say how the hospital head lacks intelligence to take Ziyi in.

Xiao Zhan told Ziyi that they need to discuss and he would come to the cafe later. As he was leaving Xiao Zhan gave a sweet smile to the handsome face.

____________________________________________  And that's the first chap. Let me know in the comments what you guys think.
Your opinions are very much appreciated.


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