Chapter 11

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" FOREVER : the time it takes to brew the first pot of coffee in the morning"

CHAPTER 11- Lights out

Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan sat there in the dark in silence, Yibo took what he can basking in the comfort of his crush.

Feeling Yibo's calm breath Zhan felt happy that Yibo is alright and he was of any help, Xiao Zhan would have been hurt if Yibo rejected his comfort.

Minutes later in the dark Xiao Zhan's stomach grumbled breaking the comforting silence, Zhan let a small laugh in embarrassment " didn't mean to break the moment but seems my hunger acted up"

Yibo can't help but chuckle at Zhan's cuteness, unwillingly Yibo pulled out of Zhan's embrace "let's not keep the monster in your stomach waiting zhange"

"Aiye bodi come on let's go out find something to eat"

"Until the power come we can't go out Zhange"

"Eh WHAT but I'm so hungry Bodi" Zhan pouted

"I'm sorry Zhange but the entrance is automatic door and I don't have the key to back exit " Yibo was sorry that he couldn't help his Zhange atleast he had to find something to eat. He cannot let his angel starve, his Zhan doesn't deserve even that little of pain. Zhange deserve the best in the world and Yibo will work his hardest to make his Zhange happy.

"It's okay let's make the best out of this moment " Zhan said enthusiastically "oh wait I might have something in my bag, it was supposed to be my lunch but I was busy then now tada our dinner" Zhan pulled out a box with rice balls. Zhan kept rummaging his bag and found his phone

"Woah I have my phone with me I thought I lost it somewhere between the meetings, let's call someone to let us out" Zhan was hopefull to get out to Yibo's displeasure right when Zhan was about to call Ziyi his phone died

"Oh no my phone died Bodi call from your phone" Zhan said

Bodi would not do that why would he call for help, when there is an opportunity one must take it , Yibo would be an idiot to lose such a chance to be alone with Zhange despite it being dark. Yibo gotta pull through and he will.
He sneakily put his phone on airplane mode " there is no signal in my phone Zhange sorry" sorry not sorry Zhange

"Aw atleast switch on the torch so we don't have to struggle in darkness" said zhan taking the food and sat in couch
"I don't think riceballs will be enough for the both of us in this case"

"There must be something in the fridge" as Yibo said that went to the fridge behind the counter to find something edible to eat, due to the Power outage icecakes were all ruined there is cake toppings, whipcream , freshcream, even the ice cream's melted. Yibo kept rummaging to find something for Zhan to eat rice balls aren't enough he must eat more were the only thought that ran in Yibo's mind as Zhan interrupted " Bodi what are you doing there come here let's manage with what we have" Zhan shouted from the couch he rested.

"Give me minute Zhange atleast I'll make you some coffee" Yibo said as he pulled out half cut crepes and took the whipcream bottle and fruites from the last rack. He also found Espresso pressed on the Espresso cup left on counter he knew Jiyang must have prepared to make himself a coffee but was distracted by his call from his boyfriend, good for Yibo now he has less work. Yibo got the almond milk he uses for Zhange's macchiato from the Thermos he kept aside poured the milk in one glass to another to create foam, he had to do this without the machine. "Woah" Zhan was awed at Yibo, stood there watching Yibo,Yibo was startled since Zhan didn't make a sound when he moved in the dark like is he a cat or what to walk like a ninja as they don't exist only cats can do such tricks now apparently Zhan too.

"Whatcha doing" Zhan asked curiously

"Your drink, please bring the plates to the couch I'll get the rest" said Yibo to make Zhan go as he was embarrassed. Being admired by Zhan is something new to Yibo making him shy.

Yibo brought the crepes and Caramel macchiato for both Zhan and himself. He placed his phone down torch on so they can eat. "This feels like a date night Woohoo" squealed Zhan. Yibo was giddy to hear that.

"Oooh shadows, look up Bodi I made a bird flap flap " Zhan played with shadow

"I can make bunny Bodi see! Oh bunny kissed me I guess bunny likes me" Yibo only looked at Zhange feeling content by his smile

"I can make bunny Bodi see! Oh bunny kissed me I guess bunny likes me" Yibo only looked at Zhange feeling content by his smile

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"Let's eat Zhange"

They both started eating Zhan was happy for no reason smiled like a Cheshire cat, Zhan kept talking about this show he saw and Yibo listened happily.

"How did Adachi stay chaste for 30 long years? I mean he is good looking and efficient just how "

Yibo just nodded not knowing what to say.

"It's cool that he got his power due to safe-gaurding his virginity but being alone for that long ain't cool"

"Then there is Kurosawa drowned in unrequited love, that man deserves an award for staying in the background and not making a move-"

"You mean for his patience" Yibo filled in

"Yeah that whatever" Zhan mumbled as as he took a bite of crepe topped with strawberries and banana, the leftover fruites.

Zhan was upset about the new show cherry magic and he had to complain about the characters "Actually he doesn't deserve an award for his stupidity he must have done something about his love"

"Why is not doing anything stupid" Yibo asked because he is in the same boat as Kurosawa. Crushing on the other from the sidelines, being happy from the others happiness, brightening the day with just their presence. Yibo felt he had to defend Kurosawa

" He could have been friends with Adachi and after being comfortable he could have confessed, he kept his love to himself for eight long years he must have been hurt all along. By being a coward hurt him more no one deserves that pain, rather must find confidence and confess" Zhan explained his opinion as he sipped on his Caramel macchiato wow this tastes asusual like the waiter made it .

"That makes sense he would get hurt when Adachi talks to others but not him, he won't be able to protect Adachi directly, can't love him the way he deserves" Yibo added his thoughts, it's not just kurosawa's but his bottled feelings for Zhan

"YEAH that's what I mean, see you got my point, Adachi is an introvert so Kurosawa just delayed what could have happened years ago if he wasn't a coward"

" Confess" Yibo muttered the word. Is it a hint that he must confess? Yibo don't know if it would be right to confess now.

Zhange said they are just delaying so if he confessed now will Zhange agree to be my lover?


Hi ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

Whoever ends up with Zhan would be lucky
Be it a lover a friend an elder even as acquaintance
I'm lucky to be Xiao Zhan's fan; as you are.

Btw Wattpad hates me, it's not letting me upload if it ends up deleting the chapter I'm drowning myself in a spoon full of latte


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