Chapter -9

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I'm back! Wanna know know the reason for my disappearance? No you don't.
Don't read the lame sob story at the bottom of the page.

"The key to start of any good relationship to remember how the other person like their coffee"

- J.Lynn

Chapter 9 - Evening shadow Creep

Yibo let out a long sigh, he couldn't help but feel down again today. Xiao Zhan hasn't been coming to the cafe after that meeting with everyone. Yibo missed Zhan and it is obvious in his face.

What keeps him going through his day is getting to see Zhan. Yibo didn't presume it would hurt this much. Yibo didn't fanthom his unrequited love would amount much to hurt, oh how wrong was he to make the same mistake of underestimating himself once again.

Yibo felt uneasy and he cannot pinpoint why. Is something bad going to happen? Yibo ain't superstitious so doesn't know why he's conjures such thoughts

Yibo desperately wants to see Zhan, only his angel could put his mind to rest.

It was only Jiyang and Yibo working, leaving Jiyang no one to chat with and there seems like not improvement with Yibo's social skills around them. Fortunately they were facing a slow day for the two to manage by themselves without trouble.

It was around six in the evening, Yibo heard a muffled order being placed he felt a presence before him with the counter seperating them, Yibo's heart leapt assuming the presence would be his Zhan, to his dismay it was a customer. This customer is one of a kind that Yibo makes sure not to spend even a breath around, the Customer is a young Handsome man with a evening shadow skin with Asian trait black hair and honey brown eyes looking amused at Yibo whose eyes held disappointment and cold face.

" I was told my presence makes people happy but it had an opposite effect on you" came a bemused voice of the customer who is waiting for Yibo to say something about this statement an insult or flirt back? A guy can dream but only the noise from the machine can be heard indicating the customer the barista is there inside preparing his order.

" Your order will be ready in a few Please take a seat Sir" replied Yibo trying not to be rude to the customer.

The one and only customer present in the now empty cafe dragged a hit chair and seated before Yibo.

Yibo was not pleased, anymore than he did few minutes ago. The customer who shall be addressed now as Brown eyed creep held a smug look

"Give me company Mister, I'll be lonely without you" muttered the last part low
Yibo couldn't care less he continued on with accounting. When Jiyang signalled the order was ready Yibo placed the Frappe and a slice of Lemon cheesecake

"Thank you amor" expressed the excited customer. With a bite from the cake the customer delighted " I knew your touch would make the sour lemon taste sweet"

And the flirting did not stop there even with no reply from the other the brown eyed creep continued " My coffee is hot. But you're hotter" said with a wink.

"That's a Frappe" Yibo snapped in a mellow voice not to go against cafe policy and yell at their customer.

Brown eyed creep let a chuckle and said " I can feel something brewing between the two of us" Yibo continued working not minding him. "Can I get your number? Because I like you a latte" now the creep stood bent over to face Yibo near. Yibo barked out a "No" now stood to walk away from the customer. Enough is enough thought Yibo.

Jiyang came over to Yibo and told him " Bo di no he is our customer" trying to calm him. He knows teasing Yibo is already crossing the limits but they have to tolerate such people to work peacefully. He left Yibo's side when his phone ringed. He excused himself

All the while seated in place the brown eyed creep drank his Frappe silent. Yibo went to his seat to work with a sour face this day can't get worse Yibo thought bitterly.

*Clunk* came the noise and Yibo stood to see the creep spilling the Frappe on the counter. Yibo took a clean cloth to wipe the counter,  a hand held his wrist and a face next to his , the brown eyed creep breathed next to Yibo's ear " Do you taste sweet? "

The creep was going to Kiss Yibo

And Yibo held a murderous look in his face ready to punch the guy

"You basterd" shouted Jiyang in anger.


Hi guys

So..... I was grounded,
Shipped to my grans place in country side,
With no signal,
Suffering on my end,
Maybe yours too?
Well that's my punishment for eating my baby cousins' Pringles ( salt flavoured ew)

------------------end of my sob story---------------

Will definitely try to update regularly


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