Chapter - 10

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" Like everyone else who makes the mistake of getting older, I begin each day with coffee and obituaries"
- Bill Cosby

Chapter- 10

Jiyang was angry and he is ready to kill the creep. He screamed "you bastard " into the phone eyes glaring at the Brown eyed creep insult intended at him, he was on a call with Haoxuan when he noticed the customer harrassing Yibo.

His scream startled the Brown eyed creep which gave Yibo the chance to move away from him. Jiyang walked to Yibo all the while glaring at the customer who sat down to finish his cake as if he just now didn't touch Yibo, Jiyang informed Yibo, " Manager informed to close the cafe early today". He then looked at the creep not so nicely spat " Can you please leave we are closing now"

"Ah sure" The creep waved his hand at Yibo walking out of the cafe.

Wang Yibo is not a defenseless guy waiting for a knight to save him, he can very well send the guy to hospital but he avoids situations like this as much as possible so as to not worry his Uncle and Big Brother. He is grateful to Jiyang for intervening else he might have hit the guy to step back which wouldn't be good for the cafe's reputation. Yibo didn't want to bring bad will to the cafe he wouldn't feel happy.

"Are we closing now?" asked Yibo

"No little Bo I said that to make the guy leave, but Jili did say we can close by 8 and it's 7 now and..." Jiyang paused he gave Yibo a pleading look for a favour "save me little Bo I need your help"

Yibo would have given a thought about doing favours usually but now he is inclined to help him to show his gratitude "will do" replied Yibo

"So I might have a date with Haoxuan right about now can you close the place by yourself?"

"You can say no it's alright" rushed Jiyang

"Go I'll be fine"

"Really?" Jiyang cheered in happiness, it's been a long time since they went to a proper date hence the excitement.


Still on the call Jiyang shouted into the call "YES to the date Haoxuan, feel free to fall for me once again I won't mind" chripped Jiyang walking out of his work place.

  Now that Jiyang left Yibo looked around the empty cafe and left a small sigh, feeling alone. He went to clean up preceding to arrange the chairs on tables cleaning the counter. Yibo went to the lockers to change out of his uniform, Yibo felt uneasy it wasn't an easy day tired from the earlier event and feeling incredibly lonely left the lockers only to face that one person he was longing for.

Xiao Zhan stood next to the counter looking around the empty cafe trying to find someone

"Zhan ge" Yibo spoke eyes light up

"Bo di"

"Zhan ge you came"

"Bo di hi" Zhan smiled at Yibo, asked "where is everyone? Why is the shop empty?"

"We are closing early, Jiyang left already"

"Jiyang left you alone?", Zhan asked shocked because that kind guy rather be the last to leave than leave others alone to do everything

"Haoxuan must have tricked him that would be the only reason" Zhan scoffed mentally at the bugger making Jiyang do bad things

"It's not a problem Zhan ge " Yibo smiled at Zhan making faces

"Oh look what I brought, I was supposed to give this to Jili but he is not here" Zhan pulled out a small pakage from his coat

Yibo looked at Zhan waiting for him to explain what's in the package. " Remember the proposal card we were discussing about these are the sample, there's about fifty of them if the customers liked the idea we can continue"

"You can leave it on the counter I'll inform Jili  about it" Yibo muttered a little upset

Yibo was so happy to see his Angel but know that Zhan didn't come to see him nor the coffee he likes only ended up here because of a package made him feel inferior. He felt hurt

" If you are closing early can you pack me the leftover Red velvet cake I'm craving them for dessert"

"Give me a minute ge" Yibo said in a dull voice and Zhan didn't notice the lack of energy in his reply then usual. Talk about air headed lovers.

Just when Yibo packed a fresh red velvet came into the box current went off. It's pitch dark in the cafe. Yibo yelped so scared of the dark, eyes glistening legs trembling he left like the darkness would consume him within seconds without the light he needed

Zhan cursed due to the sudden scare but recovered quickly " ouch this is not good" remember Yibo telling him being scared of dark Zhan went to find him

"Bo di where are you"

"Bo di are you okay"

"Bo di! Don't be scared Gege his here, your Zhan ge will protect you"

Touching around the tables and counter trying to find the way  Zhan went behind the counter his his leg hit a lump he tried to move the lump when he felt arms and legs, sat there is Yibo arms buckled to knees head bent.

Zhan did the only thing came to his mind , he hugged Yibo tightly as no words can give the same comfort, sat there in the dark both hugging tightly Yibo came out of his head which was consumed in negative thoughts triggered by the darkness. He is hugged by the love of his life comforting him from his fear Yibo felt his life being perfect at this moment. Yibo doesn't want to leave Zhan's arms always want to be protected by his Angel and protect him from this evil world. If only his Angel likes him back if only Zhan feels something for Yibo, Yibo only hugged tight, to feed the comfort to his love , to be selfish just this once not minding Zhan returning his feelings or not.

Something in Yibo felt Zhan might not become his maybe his fear taunting him , taking this moment into his selfishness Yibo's arms around Zhan's waist, face hidden in Zhan's neck breathed in Zhan's odor feeling safe.


It must feel like heaven to be in Zhan's arms,
tightly hugged by Yibo as if we meant something

*Wipes the lonely tears* Hi guys

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