Chapter 8

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Happy Halloween 🎃

Happy Wei wuxian day !!
  This is a treat I give myself and everyone for Wei Ying's birthday~

"The key to start of any good relationship is to remember how the other person liked their Coffee"

- J.Lynn

Ignorance is a bliss

When Yibo arrived at the cafe around 2pm after completing his test what he saw was wierd the cafe was bustling with familiar faces, no it's not the customers but the cafe was filled with Ziyi jei, Zhan and his friends, employees, Yubin and a new lady huddled around  Zhan listening to him intently as if the man's explaining how the earth evolved.

When Yibo went to the table they were seated he found them holding a file and there were designs scattered on Zhan's table. Jiyang saw Yibo standing idle told him to join them.

Zhan noticed Yibo and gave him a small sweet smile that melted Yibo on spot.
Mian Mian cleared her throat which made Zhan and Yibo break their trance

"So what do you think?" Zhan asked everyone

"I like it" Ziyi popped he thought

"I'll order curtains and carpets according to the design" Lu jei informed

"I have a cherry on the top idea I hope you guys will like it " Zhan said in a hopefull tone. He knows his idea is a cliche and not sure if it works but he wants to give it a try so he continues

" Why don't we make a proposal card with our cafe logo on it, usually in cafe with tissue we write our phone number and by buying them coffee we ask a person on a date so instead of tissue let's make card and put it on counter so the person can write their pickup line or something and give them with the coffee it will be romantic we have to let our customers know that the card exists for them to use instead of a tissue" Zhan looked at everyone's face for a response and now he really feels doubtful about his idea as no one replied him, well Zhan can be impatient

"Goodness your dumb head actually has good ideas wow " Ziyi remarked

After Ziyi's comment everyone cheered Zhan for his idea even Jili replied

" This would totally work I can see it"

"Hopefully" Zhan replied varying, he was expecting his Handsome face to say something but Yibo was keeping quiet which did not give Zhan any confidence.
But others response did help a bit

"So to add on that we can have events once in a while like a music performance for young artists to showcase their talents and even the couples who scored a date in our cafe could perform or share their experience, things like that would promote our cafe to intrest people"

Xuan lu smiled warmly as zhan and gave him a side hug to show how much she liked the idea, Zhan gave his bunny smile to her as a gratitude to her appraise.

Ziyi patted Zhan's shoulder and said
" So we have loads to work on I'll leave it all to you Zhan we will close the cafe next week for you to work on"

" Don't worry Miss Ziyi, Zhan is the perfect man in a few works this cafe will look the best" Mian mian told Ziyi

Ziyi glared at Mian Mian, it's not about what she said but it's about how she said it, tracing Zhan's arm while saying those words in a honey tone made Ziyi want to puke and not just her looking around Ziyi felt everyone including Zhan feel uncomfortable by her.

" I know whatever huff" Ziyi replied and left the table. Everyone went back to their work, Mian Mian took the scattered files and left the cafe to her car.

Zhan stayed seated with his eyes hopelessly following Yibo who went to change into work clothes. Zhan was expecting Yibo to say something atleast once everyone left. Clearly they weren't close enough Zhan was confused at himself for expecting but what was he expecting? A compliment is that it? Does Zhan wants to be complimented by Yibo? But why Him? Now Zhan is totally confused with his thoughts and disappointed at Yibo for ignoring him

Just half a day was over but it clear feels longer than that


Swoooosh finally an update

I'm really sorry for readers who actually took time to give this a shot.

I clearly felt unmotivated to write thinking it's not worth reading but I saw your comments and I'm really happy

Got my dose of encouragement 💕


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