Chapter 6

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I looked down at my feet nervously. I honestly felt like a jerk. She even texted me heart emojis and I left her on read. Since when was Such a jerk? It felt like forever before she finally arrived. We both stared at each other for a few seconds before I looked back down at my feet.

"Umm... so," I finally spoke out, "I uhh... I think we should see other people." God, I sounded so stupid? 'See other people?' Why couldn't I just say that I wanted to breakup? This night couldn't get any worse.

"Like, break up?" She said, as her voice trailed off. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears. I felt terrible. Why did I even get with her in the first place?

"I'm sorry," I quickly said, "I'm so sorry. I just don't feel the same way about you."

"Save it." She said running off. Well, that went better that I thought. At least I didn't get a slap to my face.

I stayed there for a few moments more before realizing what had to be done next. I quickly left the park and heading to Kai's house. I walked for what seemed like forever, finally arriving to his house. I went up and knocked on the door. I looked up to see Kai standing there, a cold expression on his face.

"Come in?" He asked. He had a cold sound in his voice, just like his expression. I nodded and walked in. I followed Kai to his room.

"Kai, I don't know how else to say this, but I like you." I said. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he did, I quickly spoke, "I broke it off with Lizzy, before you bring her up." A smile grew on his face. With that smile, came a relieved expression.

"Well then, I like you too Tae." He said. He leaned closer to me, closing his eyes. I got the hint and leaned in as well, closing my eyes. I felt his lips on mine. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. His touch felt so good. We finally pulled away, and just laid there, on his bed. He had his arm wrapped around me, while I had my head in between his neck and shoulder. Before we knew if, we were both drifting off to sleep.

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