Chapter 11

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In Yeonjun's phone

1 New Message From CrackheadTae

junnie what's wrong

I'm fine

you can talk to me
i won't tell anyone I promise
i won't make fun of you
just pls try and talk to me bc im ur friend too and i want to make sure ur okay

Honestly it's just some stupid stuff with Soobin

give me like 15 minutes and then meet me outside ur house so we can hang out for a lil

Just like he had said, Taehyun was outside of Yeonjun's house within those 15 minutes. He had walked, since they lived pretty close to each other. When Yeonjun finally came outside, Taehyun ran up to him and hugged him. Yeonjun was surprised, but he hugged back anyway.

"Wanna go to the park?" Taehyun asked with a simple smile. It was a rare site to not see a mischievous grin on Taehyun's face. The boy was always smirking or putting a mischievous smile on his face, so this was a site that Yeonjun really liked.

When they had gotten to the park, Yeonjun followed Taehyun up to the play structure. He sat down after the younger did. Taehyun scooted closer to Yeonjun and put his head on the older's shoulder. They stayed like that for about a minute before Taehyun finally spoke.

"So, what's going on with you and Soobin?" He asked, looking up at Yeonjun. He didn't pester him, or keep asking him, he just asked once, and nicely. Yeonjun was surprised in the change of behavior, but he liked it. He liked that he could share things with Taehyun and not be judged or made fun of.

He then started to tell Taehyun the story. He could feel the younger's jaw dropping against his shoulder the whole time. When he was finally done speaking, Taehyun stayed quiet for a little bit before pulling Yeonjun into, a much needed, warm embrace. Yeonjun stayed in the younger's arms, he let Taehyun rub his back, something Soobin had only ever done to him. Then, Taehyun spoke.

"I'm sure someone already told you this," he let out a soft chuckle careful not to disturb Yeonjun, "But, you are an amazing person, and anyone would be lucky to have you. As much as we tease you, we love you so much and we'll always be there for you."

"Actually, you're the first." Yeonjun said, looking up at Taehyun with a soft smile growing on his face." The two just sat there, watching the stars, admiring the beauty of the night sky.

"I love you, Junnie."

"I love you too, Tae."

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