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While Beomgyu was quietly sulking on his bed, he heard a soft knock on his door. He automatically thought it was either his "mom" or his "dad". Although it was hard for him at first, he quickly adjusted to the change. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts and remembered the person at the door.

"I'm not hungry." He called out. His parents had been pestering him to eat all day, but he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed. No matter how hungry or thirsty he was, he just couldn't leave the comfort and safety of his room.

"Gyu, please open the door," he heard Taehyun say, "Please, I just want to talk."

Beomgyu hesitantly got up and unlocked the door. When Taehyun saw the older, his heart broke. Beomgyu's hair was messy, and his eyes were swollen from crying. Taehyun immediately pulled him into a hug.

"Gyu, what happened? You know I'm here for you right?"

Beomgyu didn't say anything. He stood in the others embrace for a few more seconds before he got up and grabbed his phone. Taehyun was confused but he didn't question it. Beomgyu quickly opened it and pulled out is messages with his birth mom. He put the phone in Taehyun's hand.

"Beomgyu, you know you don't have to go, right?" The younger finally spoke. Taehyun's eyes started to water at the thought of Beomgyu going back to the abusive household that he had just managed to escape.

Beomgyu quickly opened his messages with his father. He gave the phone back to Taehyun, whose eyes widened at the sight. He couldn't believe that the times were so close together. While Beomgyu was dealing with his mothers terrible attitude, his father decided to text him and rub his new family in Beomgyu's face.

"Gyu.." His voice trailed off once he noticed the tears in the others eyes, "Oh my god. I'm here for you if you ever need anything. I love you so much and I only want the best for you."

"I know" He quickly pulled Taehyun into a hug. He was happy that he finally found a home. He didn't have to worry about an abusive mom, or a cheating dad.

"I love you so much too, and I'm not going anywhere."

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