Chapter Nine

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                         Los Crackheados

Anyone want to hangout?

me and kai are already out
sorry :(

i have to study for the math test
sorry :/
soobin's free tho he texted me asked to hangout


67 Likes        24 CommentsLovelyJunnie: Kinda bored :/______________

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LovelyJunnie: Kinda bored :/

HyukatheCutie: u didn't go out with soobin?

Coolgyu: ill b done in 10 meet in front in 25

TaehyunRules: what ab soobin?

True to his word, Beomgyu came to pick Yeonjun up. They drove until they got to the park. Since the sun was setting, Yeonjun was confused on why they were there. He thought they would go to downtown or something, not the park.

"What are we doing here" Yeonjun asked, seeing the younger sit down on a bench. He went and sat next to him, both watching the sunset.

"What's up with you and Soobin? You guys would never miss a chance to hangout with each other and now you're both free, but don't meet up? Somethings up."

And at that, Yeonjun explained everything that happened from the other night. As the story went on, Beomgyu's mouth just dropped further and further down in shock.

"So you do like him?"

"Yeah I guess."

"And he blew you off?"

"Well.. yeah."

"Shit I'm sorry Yeonjun. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Just know I'm here for you if you need anything."

"Thanks gyu. You've actually done a lot by not teasing me. I wanted to tell you guys sooner, but I felt like you guys would tease me even more in the group chat."

"The others might, but I won't. You can talk to me about anything, okay?"

The older male nodded and watched the beautiful sunset as his head rested on Beomgyu's shoulder. The thing that he and Soobin used to do so often, was now a comforting technique used by Beomgyu. Honestly, Yeonjun was just glad that his friends where there for him and he didn't care who thought what because all that mattered was his amazing friendship with the most amazing people.

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