▸ Not So Happy Campers: Part Two ◂

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"WAWANAKWA!" Everyone yelled. Before Chris could even take the picture there was a small snap. "Is the dock-" The platform broke in half, everyone screamed as they fell into the water. "Perfect!" Chris exclaimed.

"Okay guys. Dry off and meet at the campfire pit in 10." Chris said.


"This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be you cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. Ya dig? The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris explained.

"Excuse me? What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her." Duncan pointed to Courtney. (Or Heather, I don't remember which one, and I could care less)

"They're not co-ed, are they?" Heather asked

"Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other." Chris replied.

"Excuse me, Kyle. Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" Lindsay asked.

"Okay, you are. But that's not really how it works here and it's Chris."

"I have to live with Sadie or, I'll die." Kadie said.

"And I'll break out in hives. It's true." Sadie said.

"This cannot be happening." Gwen said.

"Awww come on guys! It'll be fun, it's like a big sleepover!" Owen exclaimed

"At least you don't have to sleep next to him." Tyler said pointing to Owen. (Again, I think)

"Here's the deal. We're gonna split you into two teams if I call your name out go stand over there." Chris explained, "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Kadie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, Noah, and April. From this moment on, you are officially known as, the Screaming Gophers!" Everyone who's name was called moved over the side.

"Yeah! I'm a gopher! Woooo!" Owen exclaimed

"Wait! What about Sadie?" Kadie asked.

"The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva, Harold, and Nicky. Move, move, move!" Chris yelled

"But Kadie's a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" Sadie said.

"Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay." Courtney comforted the girl.

"This is so unfair! I miss you Kadie!"

"I miss you too!" Kadie said.

"You guys will officially be known as the Killer Bass!"

"Awesome! It's like.... Amazing." Harold said.

"All right, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest."


Gwen: Um, okay... So far this stinks.


Lindsay: Um, I don't get it. Where's the camera guy?


A random duck quacks.


April: I hate everything and everyone here.

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