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Noah had already fell asleep a few minutes ago. April stared at his face, examining his features. April liked that Noah wasn't hot but that he was more cute.

Unlike most pairs of best friends Noah And April didn't have that spark. In fact they hated each other, a lot. Even barely being a year old and probably not even being able to comprehend emotions at that age, they still hated each other. From hitting each other with their favourite stuffed animals to ripping pages out of their books. That didn't stop until around four to five years of age.

April sat around looking at all of the word camper, some asleep some not. She noticed the paint on Justin's as but didn't say anything because she wanted to see how it would turn out. Courtney's panting from running in place was starting to get on April's nerves.

"Jesus Christ, can you not?" April yelled at Courtney. "I'm just trying to stay awake." Courtney snapped back. "Running in place is only gonna make you tired more, you'll probably collapse from exhaustion." April paused, "Oh wait, please do." Courtney scoffed and continued running in place.

April placed her hands over her ears. She closed her eyes and rocked back and forth on the log. Her eyes shot open at the sudden scream coming from Tyler which caused gasps from Katie and Sadie.

"Congratulations, campers, you've made it to the 24-hour mark, time to take things up a notch." Chris said as Chef stood beside him wearing a sheep costume. April chuckled quietly which earned her a glare from Chef. "Fairytales!" Chef revealed a pile of books on a table. "Oh, he's not serious." Gwen groaned.

Chris cleared his throat and Chef played a tiny harp, "Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom, a boring village, and inside this boring sleepy village filled. boring, who did very boring..." April tuned out the rest of Chris's dumbass story. She watched Chef dance around in his stupid sheep costume with his stupid tiny harp. He leaped in the air as he sprinkled a dust in the air which somehow made people fall asleep.

She watched multiple of her fellow peers collapse into sleep.


COURTNEY: I figured that if I kept moving, I get out last all of them, I just had to keep my eye on the ball


"Oh, now what? You're fucking dancing?" April scoffed, looking at Courtney. "And do you have a problem with that?" Courtney asked. "Yeah, that's why I said something, idiot." Courtney rolled her eyes and moved away from April.

April stared at Justin, nobody noticing the paint on his eyes. Her eyes moved around looking at the campers. She watched Gwen and Trent talk each other, which made her kind of upset that she had no one to talk to. Her gaze made her way back to Noah asleep next to her on the log. He rolled foward off the log which April started cackling at.

She smiled slightly before looking back up. She wished she didn't. Owen was sleepwalking named. She started laughing again before covering her eyes.


OWEN: Did I mention that I ate the entire dish of baked beans and maple syrup? Funny thing about baked beans, they make me sleepwalk.


Aprils eyes landed in Katie and Sadie. 'Gross,' She thought, 'They even sleep together.'. She looked at Gwen who was tapping Justin's shoulder, Justin opens his eyes. April started laughing at Justin being caught.

"Did you know the whole time?" Duncan asked her. "Yeah, I wanted to see how it would turn out." April chuckled.

"His eyelids are painted, I saw it!" Eva yelled. "Get out! Oh, I've got to see this!" Chris ran up to Justin, "That is so crazy incredible, but your still out dude." "Well that was anti-climatic." April sighed. "What did you expect someone to lose their arm or something?" Duncan asked. "It would have been very thoughtful and nice." April smiled at him. "Wow, you're actually insane."


April stared at Noah kissing Cody's ear in his sleep. April started laughing and fell of the log. Noah and Cody's eyes shot open and they stared at each other. Both of them jumped up and screamed, Cody ran away. April clutched her stomach and started laughing harder.

"What are you laughing at?" Noah gritted between teeth. "It's okay to be gay, Noah." April responded. "I'm not gay!" "That's what everybody says, I mean look at me, I said that for years and I've dated two girls." April held up two fingers as the words left her mouth. "I can't stand you sometimes." Noah cupped his face in his hands. "Then sit." Noah stared at April before laughing at her stupid joke.

"What is the matter with you people? Come on, fall asleep already!" Gwen ran up to Chris and pleaded for him to hook her up. "Alright, you six stay with me, the rest of you go and get a shower for heaven's sake, you stink!"


Hi, I am back and not dead, wish i was 🙈. Anyways I'm sorry that I haven't been updating there's literally no other excuse other then that I am a lazy author. As you can tell the format of this chapter is different and the writing is slightly better. I'm going to update the other chapters as soon as I finish the other parts for The Big Sleep. I will also start making the chapters shorting since it's 10x more easier for me and my tiny brain to write short chapters. Sorry for the long wait and I'll try to get a chapter out in two days :)


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