▸ Heather's a Bitch: Part Four ◂

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We finally got a break from all of the challenges. I was currently laying my head on Noah's stomach while he was reading. "Hey April can I talk to you?" Heather asked. "No." I responded. "Just for-" "No." Heather groaned and pulled me up. "Excuse me, bitch?" Noah said. "Get your boney, basic white girl fingers off my arm." I said. "Shut up weirdo." Heather said.

Heather pulled me behind one of the trees. "Look, April. I think we could make a really good team. So how about you ditch that scrawny little nerd and-" "Heather no." I said. "But-" "HEATHER. I will not going to backstab my only friend here you skank." I said. Heather exhaled lastly and crossed his arms. "I also heard everything you said in confessionals." I said. "Aw, April, you're not being very nice." Nicky cooed from behind me. I scoffed and started walking away from the two. Nicky grabbed arm and slammed me against the tree. I fell down to the ground, Heather and Nicky stood above me. "Look, I'm not doing this to Noah, he's my best friend and he's a good one and I love him." I stated. "Really? You love that dweeb over me?" Nicky asked. "Yes! You literally just slammed me against a tree. You ever wondered why I broke up with your psychotic ass." I stood and ran towards back Noah.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked, his eyes glanced off his book slightly. "Yes, I'm fine." I said and sat down next to him. "Are you sure? You don't really seem okay." I picked at the grace deciding whether or not to tell Noah. "April?" Noah hit the brim of his book on me knee. "Uh, It's just.. Heather and Nicky tried to get me to backstab you." I said. "Heather and.. Nicky? Oh no.." Noah sat up and placed his book down, "Did he hurt you?" He asked. "Well.. a little." I mumbled. Noah suddenly stood up and walked in the direction I just came from. "Noah wait." I said. I grabbed his wrist and spun him around. "I'm fine Noah." I said, "besides, you would get your ass kicked, you twig." I punched his shoulder slightly. He laughed softly.

I heard fake gagging and looked around. "Shut up Duncan, no one likes you." I said. I grabbed Noah's hand walked back to the spot that we were sitting at. Noah grabbed his book and laid down and rested my head on his stomach. I could hear Noah reading the book aloud before I fell asleep.


I looked down at April and noticed that she was asleep. I sat up and closed my book and placed April in my lap. I twirled April's hair around my finger. I heard a stick snap behind me. I turned around and looked around at the forest around us. I heard light rustling coming from the bushes. I gently removed April from my lap and stood up.

I walked towards the bushes I heard the rustling coming from and separated the twigs. I saw a bunny sitting in the middle of the bush. I sighed before letting my hands fall down to my sides. "Is she dead?" I heard someone ask. I turned around and saw Duncan standing over April. "No, she just fell asleep, dimwit." I crossed my arms as I walked over to them. "I will smack the shit out of both of you." April mumbled as she sat up. "Hey!" I whined. April groaned, "I'll go easier on you." She got up and patted my shoulder softly. "Don't you think sixteen years of knowing you was hard enough?" I asked. April faked a gasp and held a hand to her chest, "Ouch, Noah, I can't believe you." "I'm kidding, you know I love you." April's face turned many shades of pink as she looked down at the ground. "Ew.. Shut up, loser." She punched my shoulder.

"Well.. I'll just leave then." Duncan said, slowly backing away. "As you should." April said. "Shut up, princess." Duncan said. April made a fake gagging sound and I slightly glared at Duncan. "Come on, Noah." April hrabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the cabins.

▸ ◂

I sat on my bed and watched April look through my bag. "So why exactly are you looking through my bag?" I asked her. April looked up at me slightly before looking back down at the bag. I rolled my eyes and scoffed before leaning back. I crossed my arms and stared at April. Her black hair was tied into a messy bun, her blonde streaks were spread throughout her bun and bangs. Her tan skin was covered in freckles and her cheeks were slightly rosy. April's amber eyes shined through her glasses. The literal definition of beauty. Aha!" She exclaimed pulling out a royal blue hoodie. "You wanted a hoodie?" I asked. April nodded pulling her arms through her sleeves and lifting her head through the hole of the sweater. "You could have just asked for it, I would have gave it to you." I said. "Yeah but it's more fun when I steal it." April crossed her arms and sat next to me. "It's not stealing if I would have just let you have it anyways." "Well you're no fun." April scoffed.

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arm across my torso. I slowly frelt my eyes begin to get heavy and slowly close.


I walked into the cabin and saw Noah and April laying on cuddling on the bed together. There's no possible way does two can just be friends, I mean look at them. I stared at them for a few seconds before getting an idea. I went to my bag and grabbed rope. (Don't ask why he has rope in his bag. It's Duncan, he just does.) I tied the rope to the ceiling and tied a circle at the end. Once one of them, preferably both, step in that circle and pull on it they'll be swept off their feet and hanging upside down. I laughed slightly and sat on my bunk.

DJ stepped inside the cabin and walked towards the rope. "Woah, dude," I put my arm put and gestured to the rope. It took a second for DJ to examine the trap and know what was going on, "Wow, you are one cruel perosn." DJ said, taking a step back. "Thanks." I said and sat back down. DJ sat next to me and we waited for the to to wake up.

A few minutes later and Chef rung his bell for lunch. April and Noah both immediately shot up. "What are you guys doing?" Noah questioned. "We're just leaving now." I said getting up, "Come on, lovebirds.. and DJ. Chef will be pissed if we are late." I said. Me and DJ stepped back and watch both April and Noah step into the trap. They both let out a loud scream as both of them were swept off the ground. Me and DJ fell on the ground laughing, holding out stomachs.


Me and Noah suddenly were swept off the ground and now hanging inches above the floor. I knew Duncan was up to something. "I swear to god, Duncan, I will sue your parents for giving birth to you." I groaned. It went silent for a second as I realized Noah's nose was touching mine, our lips were a centimeter apart. Duncan and DJ started laughing harder as both me and Noah face's burned up.

"What's going on in here?" Gwen asked walking in. Gwen stopped and stared at us, "Duncan what did you do?" "It's not my fault they weren't paying attention." Duncan said. "Oh yeah, Just as it's not my fault if my foot somehow ends up in your ass." I said. I felt Noah chuckle against my lips. "Okay, okay. I'll let you guys down." Duncan said cutting the rope. Me and Noah landed with an 'oof' sound and I slowly got up and stared down at Noah. "Get up, loser." I held out my hand. I pulled him up and then glared at Duncan, "You.. You are dead." I chased him out of the cabin.

STARTED: 5:09 AM 9/3/2019
FINISHED: 9:49 PM 4/30/2020
PUBLISHED: 9:51 4/30/2020


If I don't upload again for awhile it's probably because I'm grounded because I haven't been doing my online homework 😗✌️.

EDITED: 9:53 PM 4/30/2020 + 6:28 PM 5/3/2020

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