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"I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night. I said 'Chef, I don't want it to come to this but darn it, these campers are tough and so I've come up with the most boring sleeping-inducing activity I can find.'" Chris said.


GWEN: Oh, come on! What now?! Okay, you know what, bring it on!

APRIL: I am going to kill him.


Chris held up a pretty large book in his hand, "The History of Canada," Chris started, "A pop-up book, chapter one-" "Okay, no, I'm not gonna listen this. I'm annoyed and I hate it here." April jumped up from her log and stomped away. Chris chuckled, "Well that was weird."

April thought about not taking a shower because of how gross the showers were but it was better than nothing. The water was cold and it felt gross.

Normally, April would be down to mess with dirty liquids like mud and stuff. April once paid someone to spray blood on her, guaranteed it was fake and the person never talked to April again, which was not apart of her plan but she was still happy with the outcome.

April walked out the shower and quickly put her clothes back on, including Noah's hoodie. April walked back over to where the campers looking at all of their tired eyes, she smirked silently. "What are you doing back here." Duncan asked. "To watch you guys suffer." April smiled. "Oh so when you're suffering it's not okay but when other people do it's a-okay?" "It's the highlight of my life." April sighed happily. "Are you serious? Aren't you like tired or something? Go sleep." "Did you not hear Noah? I can go weeks without sleep, idiot." April scoffed before walking away.

"Hey nerd." April greeted as she walked up to Noah. Noah looked up from his book and glared at April. "Aw, are you still mad at me for making fun of you and your boyfriend." April cooed and ruffled his hair. "I will not hesitate to cut off your hand." Noah growled. "It's okay, I still love you." April attempted to wrap his arms around Noah as he pushed her away. "Accept my love or it's your life." April's tone suddenly became serious and monotone. "Well kill me now please." Noah smiled. April scoffed and elbowed the scrawny boy in the side.

"Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back" Eva came stomping into the girl's cabin. She threw multiple objects out the window, almost hitting some campers. "I heard that Chef looks for MP3 players and uses them in his meals, Eva." April said. "Do you think you're funny punk?" Eva picked up April by her shirt. "Yes, I'm absolutely hilarious." "Hey-" Noah jumped up. "What are you gonna do scrawny kid?" Eva asked, Noah quickly sat down.

"Okay, whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp and April." Courtney said, "Even though I wouldn't mind April being gone." Courtney mumbled. "Aw, I love you to Court." April said.


HEATHER: Turn a team against their own members, easiest trick in the book.



"So, sorry about the that little misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all." Eva apologized sheepishly. "Okay, maybe I overreacted a little."


"Talk to me loser." April said poking Noah's shoulder. April had been trying to get him to talk for the past hour and a half. Noah shook his head, turning a page in his book. "Is it because I made fun of you and Cody?" He paused for moment before pointing to a word in his book. 'Perhaps.' It read. "You're one bitch." April scoffed. Noah pointed at more words, 'You too.' "Look, idiot, I'm sorry." April tore the book out of his hands. "It's fine, I forgave you like forty minutes ago." Noah sighed, "Now can I have my book back?" "No you're gonna talk to me because you've been ignoring me for the past hour and a half."


COURTNEY: See, I told you, you can't act like a total ringing psychopath and then expect people to just forgive you, no matter how tough and strong and fast you are, she's never gonna have a career if she doesn't get her act together.

HEATHER: So, Eva was one of their strongest players, and now she's gone. I am so running this game

APRIL: I want her to be my mom, Eva if you are seeing this adopt me please.


April swinged her leg over the log and scooted closer to Noah. "What do you want?" Noah asked. "You." April mumbled. "What?" "Huh?" "What?" "Nothing, idiot." April stood up from the log and walked toward the girls cabin. "I thought you wanted to talk!" Noah yelled. "Not anymore!" April yelled back. "Can I have my book back at least?" "Fuck you!" "Wow, I love you too." Noah yelled.

April ran into the girl's cabin and closed the door. "Um, what the fuck?" Gwen asked.


Since I finished The Big Sleep trilogy I will go back and revise the other chapters which might take a while but I will make sure to put in tiny filler chapters :)


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